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✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
dunno, it's messed up with by isaac anyway so maybe i haven't even target you by that ability, i don't know what he reordered
I have no idea how this re-ordering works tbh. But I can see Fuji getting upset by it because apparently this re-ordering is what killed Nana and his protection failing.
Pot Goblin

These are the players I town read for now. Fuji apparently is indie but I trust him for now as well.

Other players who I don't particularly town read but are vouched by other players or have something supporting them:

Leaves me with:
Lord Melkor

I'll start there with isos.
Why do you have kagu solid breh


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
I was thinking that at first but there isn't any mention of a purple kill in the N1 write-up, leading me to believe that failed faction kills don't reveal what faction it came from.
Failed faction kills are showing like these:
DEM's Mafia tried to kill ??? but it failed
Now that I compare the write ups, the kill which I did on Pein showed up like this:

??? tried to superkill ??? but [REDACTED]


Pot Goblin

These are the players I town read for now. Fuji apparently is indie but I trust him for now as well.

Other players who I don't particularly town read but are vouched by other players or have something supporting them:

Leaves me with:
Lord Melkor

I'll start there with isos.
I´m sorry to say but this highly contradicts my own town reads.

Kagurashii doesn´t look town to me at all! She used a killshot on T-Pein and she tried to get him lynched last day by making some stuff up from the wording in his posts. She tried exactly the same to do with me.
Both, T-Pein and me are confirmed townies. Why don´t you see what she´s doing here? She didn´t help town in any way so far, she only ever tried to harm town as much as possible.

Vote lynch Kagurashii

T-Pein suggested, unfortunately way too late, that people sould switch to Kagurashii, Ekko was the one who was so focussed on Yo as alternative candidate and everybody just followed him because it was so easy to follow and vote Yo out because both mafia factions could simply hang on to him and nobody defending him.

About Rej, his posts seemed to be logical so far but I´m disappointed as I believed he had to be Kurumi.

The whole thing about Bonnibel still seems fishy to me, currently seeing UwU´s role we might lean to a manipulated ability but she could still have faked the investigation result by herself after all. I was thinking do something similar to do, trying to make you guys believe that I did get my investigation and saying that I got a guilty result on Kagurashii to get her lynched today. After long time thinking about it I decided against this however because I´m not playing that shady as town.


Oh, hmm. Purple mafia's kill didn't show up N1. Either they have an ability that hides it or they were inactive.
Though, that does make sense since Zolo was lynched D1, UwU only has 14 posts, and if assuming Abyss is the last purple then yeah, they probably didn't turn in any actions N1.


Holy Simp
aight so i uhhh

have some stuff to share but uhhh

okay first do i have to claim? i belive not anymore since my reads r turning out on point + yo tan was scum (even if not mafia)

so by show of hands do i have to claim?

Pretty sure Kurumi had no scum wincon at this point.:sweat:


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
Kagurashii doesn´t look town to me at all! She used a killshot on T-Pein and she tried to get him lynched last day by making some stuff up from the wording in his posts. She tried exactly the same to do with me.
Both, T-Pein and me are confirmed townies. Why don´t you see what she´s doing here? She didn´t help town in any way so far, she only ever tried to harm town as much as possible.

Vote lynch Kagurashii

T-Pein suggested, unfortunately way too late, that people sould switch to Kagurashii, Ekko was the one who was so focussed on Yo as alternative candidate and everybody just followed him because it was so easy to follow and vote Yo out because both mafia factions could simply hang on to him and nobody defending him.
I kinda expected this from you so it's no surprise to me. I didn't make any stuff up. If you read my posts clearly I have already gave clear explanation for the reasons behind it.

Pein has been suspicious to me for various reasons. Even you yourself had suspicions on Pein so don't act like you had him as your solid town read anyways.

Last day I was too focused on Pein which is because of his own gameplay. He also wasted our whole day refusing to claim and saying stupid stuff like he's role is an over powerful town role and he cannot be killed by scum.

Also he redeemed himself mechanically by bringing back Rottkins to life. However if he was not having such an ability he'd literally have nothing redeeming him from the way he behaved the whole time. That kind of mindset is not townie so I can't be blamed for lynching him.


I finished isoing Arondight and Mitch. Arondight doesn't look that bad. He seems more like an inactive townie. In his few posts, he has given reads when he can and looks to be genuinely solving.

Mitch on the other hand is very meh. He has no reads and his posts are mostly just "there" if you know what I mean.
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