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✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨

Kurumi wasnt a target of mine, the other two at the top arent targets of mine either. I have 7 in my wincon so Idk who the girl below the blonde is but I think someone claimed her? Idk who the blonde is either. Tohka is at the bottom. And the MC is there too.
The top two are Worst’s character who died and Origami. From the wiki I don’t see them properly aligned with the main characters. When worst claimed people thought his character could also be a potential because she has killed lots of people. Then there is Origami who is a potential indie.

The girl below the blonde one of Miku. The blonde one is Mukuro.


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
do you belive the reasoning

he sus u because of some wacky reasons

i dont buy it

I don’t completely believe the reasoning tbh. There was Charlie who said that he did something to me so that counts as a visit right? But then there was the reordering done by Isaac so keeping that in mind I thought that maybe the actions got messed up which is why I was willing to give Mitch another chance to prove his worth. I’m still not entirely convinced why he doesn’t have any targets before me. He could very well watched one of our early role outters like Pero and Charlie or our mafia chat leak Queen Nana which could have been godsend.

If I go by his play, when there was no heat he’d just stay under the radar with very less activity. Now that he’s been voted his activity has increased however I like how he’s trying to solve his slot mechanically or by reads. I appreciate the effort but it’s not enough.

I’d like to check back later because it’s Sunday today and I have some plans. I won’t be able to be here until evening.


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
Im just saying my piece mate, who do you believe is the WQ if its not you? Rej?
Rej told me that Yo Tan might be alive and he’s infact this Queen character because apparently she’s the inverse form of Kurumi. I find that highly unlikely and very unsettling.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
15 players alive
assuming teams of 3 we have 2 reds, 1 purple, 1 hostile indie and 1 protown indie alive, and 10 townies

so 10 - 2 - 1 - 2

leaning red candidates

leaning purple
melkor (he lost morale after losing his team so his inactivity dropped to try and blend more. also day 1 when zolo was being voted melkor actually wanted to lynch me over zolo but could not force it since that will make him look bad. during the same time uwu shaded me as well. this all happened when fuji said lets cfd one of ekko or zolo. melkor and uwu tried to save zolo by suggesting me, but couldnt risk tying themselves with him. towards rhe end of the day melkor dropped the most bussing vote ever on zolo lol. also melkor and uwu never really interacted. i will provide more details later. will have proper case with quotre and all)

leaning indie
melkor (if hes not purple)
rej? (man seems to know awful lot about WQ)
meeyori (2 vote power fits a queen)

leaning town/protwon
rest of the players

with this, i go to sleep. good night



Lead them to paradise.
15 players alive
assuming teams of 3 we have 2 reds, 1 purple, 1 hostile indie and 1 protown indie alive, and 10 townies

so 10 - 2 - 1 - 2

leaning red candidates

leaning purple
melkor (he lost morale after losing his team so his inactivity dropped to try and blend more. also day 1 when zolo was being voted melkor actually wanted to lynch me over zolo but could not force it since that will make him look bad. during the same time uwu shaded me as well. this all happened when fuji said lets cfd one of ekko or zolo. melkor and uwu tried to save zolo by suggesting me, but couldnt risk tying themselves with him. towards rhe end of the day melkor dropped the most bussing vote ever on zolo lol. also melkor and uwu never really interacted. i will provide more details later. will have proper case with quotre and all)

leaning indie
melkor (if hes not purple)
rej? (man seems to know awful lot about WQ)
meeyori (2 vote power fits a queen)

leaning town/protwon
rest of the players

with this, i go to sleep. good night

I can see LM being purpie, Meeyori having 2 VP is NAI though lol.


So Pero mistook your words and thought you said the character didn't exist rather than you saying that Rej was making a fake claim.


This whole you being the White Queen tin foil has been so annoying to watch unfold.
He said shes only here to appear on dates but you do you.
I see you easily swallow everything he spews already.
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this is all NAI
if mafia kills u then its good for us. u r removed from PoE

none of this makes me lean town on u btw ~☆
Yes, watcher, cop, invest, protect, messanger in the same town role are hard to buy for town role unless those are one shots. My role cannot do even half of these things.

Now to read the rest of the stuff I missed during the night.
I think I’m gonna keep my initial read on Rej that’s he’s town, the WQ stuff is very scary though, especially if it’s cult

I think if Pero and Rej’s prediction that Ekko is WQ then it’s in the best interest to get rid of them

Vote lynch Ekko
Do you have any thoughts on Ekko independent on what Rej and Pero think?

Yes, I think Meeyori is scum.
why did the white queen not kill charles/pero who also claimed btw?

I assume my role is do insignificant it's not in anyones wincon. Some people doubted it would even be in the game.
i remember you telling me we shouldnt assume that kurumi wasn't among the 6 targets in her gun game.
It was me
I invested Ekko as innocent. He's the only one i fully trust. if youre only defense against your lynch rej is that Ekko is setting you up as scum then good luck
Your result differed from Nana's ones already. How do you know it's right this time?
She's part of my wincon.
WAIT A SECOND. I thought your targets are all ???

What would she be doing in your wincon?

That's really weird, let's say that.

I think I'll change my Vote Lynch Bonnibel if i can

But that Fuji thing worries me

Back to reading


I feel like as if I am the only player here who is not town reading Pot. From what I remember he has been agreeing on Ekko and sheeping him and I don't remember him coming up with his own ideas and I have been getting the vibe from him that he could be scum who wants to get on Ekko's good side. I recently finished a game on another site and I caught scum who was basically agreeing, sheeping a player who was getting town read which made me think they wanted to pocket the player to get on their good side.
This is really holding true
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