Kaido doesn’t even awaken and he lost again

Oda has destroyed his own series
"Thank Goda you're not writing One Piece, hurr durr! Goda is flawless, One Piece is perfect, Goda can do no wrong, you wish you could be as good as Goda!"
Fuck man, OP and Oda cultists are some of the worst and most insufferable. Denial so strong, its like they are stuck in the blue pill of the matrix permanently or the infinite tsukiyomi or something.
Oda was much better pre TS, he has his moments post TS but they are few and far between and definitely does not make these excessively long arcs, the blue balling, offscrening, silhouetting, death fake outs and such any more excusable! Oda has ironically fallen foul of over ambition in writing a series all about ambition and also the consequences of too much ambition or should I said arrogance especially!
Its painful to see a series I truly once loved and adored fall so hard over such a long time, like watching someone you love slowly degrade away due to mental health issues/disease/illness or whatever.
I'm far too honest to pretend I still love and worship this series, it has its awesome moments post TS but they are short lived, few and far between and ultimately feel shallow/follow with the current state of the series.
OP is degrading hard and its only going to get worse whilst OP fans keep insisting nothing is wrong as the ship is not only past leaking at this point, but its gradually being swallowed up by the ocean and is tilting almost to the point of being vertical before it finally and ironically succumbs to the depths of its own disappointments and over ambitions!
If Oda and his editors didn't fuck with us so deliberately and for so long, I wouldn't be so bitter and nor would so many any others. We can only take so much lying, exploitation, being let down on purpose/baiting and such and we refuse to to put on a fake ass smile and pretend we love it.