I must visit india to find my teachers of swag then. Tho I cut and dye my hair by my own it's just cheaper and when you are first to that you know who to blame for the mistakes.
I must visit india to find my teachers of swag then. Tho I cut and dye my hair by my own it's just cheaper and when you are first to that you know who to blame for the mistakes.
I must visit india to find my teachers of swag then. Tho I cut and dye my hair by my own it's just cheaper and when you are first to that you know who to blame for the mistakes.
How similar are these 4 languages? Do they have a lot in common? Like Bhojpuri\Maithili\Awadhi\Nepali\Hindi are easy to understand somewhat if you know one of them, you'll probably understand the others but not perfectly speak them.
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