Future Events Is Wano Kuni Saviour The King Of Hell?


Zoro Worshipper
Enma being entrusted
Oden parallel
Zoro's declaration
Grim Reaper and parallel with Death

So many intrinsic elements sticking together
So the new episode confirms that Zoro's Onigiri in 1001 actually landed on Kaido's neck, which means Zoro was going for the kill from the start

Notice the composition of the panels and where Kaido's neck and Zoro's Enma collides :pepebusi:
I don't think some people understand how important it is for Zoro to get a role going into the end of Wano. You don't even have to believe in ZKK or think about it at all.

It would be straight up terrible for us to leave Wano and only find out about Zoro's lineage, black blades, etc. as an afterthought.

Not only is Zoro 99% confirmed to be from Wano, but we've gotten countless scenes of Orochi & Kaido mocking the samurai and calling them weaklings.

There will be literally NO arcs in the future where Zoro will nearly as important as he should be in Wano. This is Oda's time to prove why Zoro is a necessary crewmember.