As much as I do want a new setting, I think it would be terrible for Oda to leave Wano without giving closure on stuff involving Zoro in an arc where he's the most relevant he'll ever be

I went on a very big rant about it yesterday, it's just sad idk
Theres a good chance he's not done, he has to be recognized as the monster samurai. Plus you have the words Sunnachi. It just feels like a set up for Zoro greatness if any. :pepecopium:
Unless Mihawk shows up this definitely isn't the most relevant arc for Zoro.
Zoro's from Wano, likely a descendant of Ryuma, possesses the sword of Wano's most recent samurai legend and possessed the sword of Wano's greatest samurai legend

It doesn't make sense for Oda to hold off on Zoro's lineage and his importance to the people of Wano until EoS