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I watch selected programs/feuds in AEW but never following it strictly.

I remember their big ego dick riding about "WE ARE NOT LIKE WWE".

One time homie passed me a link to twitter and I see fucking Omega and Young Bucks riding that Golf cart shit and chasing Guevara with Nerf guns.

I thought it was some sort of a meme/edit. It wasn't...
That "we ain't gonna be WWE lite" line is the biggest gripe a lot of fans have because they went back on it 10 times over

Formerly Seth


See. Ofc it's funny hahah hiatus hiatus 3 years blah blah blah.

But when you realize 10 chapters from Togashi will put shame on the last 3 years of Wano then you will realize why HxH fans keep waiting even if it's long time.


I will never forgive Oda
Serious question.

Do you have any hope left for Drake? ( not power scaling related ). As a character.
No, not really. I expected a more comprehensive plotline surrounding X Drake's cover being blown. As far as I can tell, it didn't change much on Onigashima. Maybe it'll reveberate a little down the way but I don't care about aftershocks lol. I was hoping to see more of Drake's relationships with the Beast Pirates, what he's done to gain info and generally him as a spy.

We're fast forwarding or neglecting all of that if he survives. He'll be a marine again since his cover is blown. He might as well of been introduced as a marine from the start since his pirate history won't have much of an impact on him or the story.
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