We're not supposed to see them as a threat. Only Meme fanboys think she will be Elbaf villain lol
They had a dedicated arc where they were clearly presented as a threat due to how organized and cohesive they are. Plus they had some great fighters among the riffraff.
So it isn't crazy to believe that, when their main ship shows up, you could expect some level of seriousnes.

But that would take more than a week of consistency


Pica is a joke.

Oda doesn't know how handle strawhats dreams except for Luffy
Nami dream is to draw world map based on everything thing she saw. Is this even possible , Marco mentioned there are countless number of islands in world.

Tashigi isn't a strawhat but her dream is dumb. She want to collect every supreme grade swords


Oda hidden agenda showing here.
Personally would have preferred more:

Act 1 - ends with Kaido one shot Luffy
Act 2 - Orochi having actual strong underlings, with Zoro beating the strongest samurai serving to him, Kaido and Big Mom alliance announced
Act 3 - Orochi gets killed by Kaido, Kaido and Big Mom beat the dogshit out of the supernovas, Kid and Law have most of their crew members killed, tragedy of act 3, few scabbards die too.
Act 4 - A very long purely battle chapters of the pirates/ninja/samurai/mink alliance vs Beast Pirates and BMP, CP0 involvement
Act 5 finishing the fights, end of arc, celebrations, news etc.
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What’s your favorite part/thing of Wano?
Roger adventure stuff doesn’t count
Oden flashback
Act 2 zoro, hiyori and kawamatsu part
The sabaody trio going to Onigashima
Scabbard vs Kaido
Entirety Roofpiece
Majority of act 1
Zoro vs King and sword lore
Robin vs BM
Yamato vs Kaido (inconclusive but great regardless)
Gear 5 reveal

That's it
As an arc? Have Kaido awaken and cause mayhem on the capital all while having his flashback and some lore, beasts pirates awaken and knock out EVERYONE except Zoro. Grand fleet makes an appearance after that, they win, banquet, we out, 10/10
How would knocking everyone out but Zoro make this arc good???