Your point about Yamato having Conqueror's Flow for years is pure speculation (just look at Ace who also used Conqueror's as a child), and your point about Yamato having an hybrid form is dumb because King also has one.

That's why I didn't address those.

The point about Zoro's haki was much more logical which is why it would have made sense if it were the main point.

If you said she had awakening (which she may have, I don't know), it would have been a really great point. But talking about her hybrid form as if it were a form or an asset of hers that we still had yet to see, or as if it was special, is not a good point at all.

Chopper has an hybrid form as well.
It's not speculation. She's shown that she has can use it and its very strong since she can hurt and defend herself from Kaido's attacks. Yeh King has a hybrid form but doesn't have conquerors coating so idk why you bought that up.

Is it a good point. It's quite obviously a strength boost that's why Kaido has goes into it and then states he is now going all out. King is a 1st commander who should be comparable to start of Wano Luffy who got shit on by base Kaido.

Yamato can hold off Hybrid Kaido whilst King should get one shot by base Kaido