People are completely getting it wrong

I never said Law was bad, Law is amazing

he is TOO AMAZING, that's my problem

we spent 500 chapters getting our crew

and then Oda decides to introduce a character that is better than most of them at everything

and then he takes multiple arcs of screen time and focus, more than any other Straw Hat btw

so he makes the other Straw Hats irrelevant in the Post-TS

to the point that Oda feels the need to split the crew and stop giving them screen time

and yes, when i say Law i mean Oda's fault, of course, because Oda is the writer
it downright sounds like jealousy

"omg let me say this very good written character is the reason why other characters aren't better" like what? Oda dropped the ball with every straw hat not named Luffy isn't on Law. It's on the writer of the story.
No jealousy.
As if good writing were about single characters and not about the story as a whole.