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Ah yes.
Accept the bread crumbles Oda throws at Nami from time to time to pretend she's impressive.
Nami is the stereotypical sex-toy girl character in One Piece.
Wanna pretend she's more than that? Go ahead.
She's just OO X like 99% of the female cast. And with character becoming real cataclysms with silly power creep, her job as a navigator becomes less and less relevant.
A normal cartographer can take Robin's translations from the road poneglyphs and make a map. Doesn't take a "genius" one for this.
Tsunamis? Tornados? dangerous sea currents? FFS.
Jinbe can easily power his way through all of this. Imagine what the others can do as well. Natural disasters mean little when people are cutting mountains and becoming divinities.
She's "motherly", she's "too emotional", etc. She's everything a stereotypical sex-toy female character is in these kind of stories.
Completely dumbed down after TS. No tricks, no nothing. Just got a homie from Big MOm who can do the fighting for her as long as she feeds him.

Imagine being so delusional as thinking that 99% of One Piece's female cast is more than tits and asses. Fuck this.
I dont really get it, Nami has shown plenty of times that she has a brain on top of her head, even post TS even though the plot focuses less on her these days. She instantly knew something was up in Zou when Wanda was about to attack the crew, made a plan with Sanji to depart Dressrosa, Forgave fucking Jinbei (One of her best moments btw where she put that mf sanji in his place), tag teamed in Thriller bark, helped Camie in Sabaody, etc. Her having womanly traits doesnt make her à fucking sex toy you fucking creep, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? Have you ever interacted with women?


Talent is something you make bloom.
unless she does anything that a woman would do then shes a fucking whore who needs to stay in the kitchen. you hate women i get it.
I like how you assume exactly the opposite of what I think.

Straw Hats> 10 members. only 2 women. the 2 pornstars.
Yonkos> 5 yonkos. only 1 woman. the Big Meme who's a breeding mare.
Shichibukais> 11 characters. only 1 woman. the one whose most distinguished feature is "being the most beautiful" and her power is based on boners.
Vinsmokes> 5 kids. only 1 woman. the sexual one.
Supernovas> 11 characters> only 1 woman. the big titty glutton that immediately gets captured and people assume is the weakest one.
Admirals>5 characters. 0 women. At best 1 "candidate".
Yonko Commanders> At least 9. 1 woman, Smoothie. enough said.
BBP>10 characters (not counting 10th mysterious fucker)> 1 woman. The "ugly hag who envies pretty girls".

But please. Enlighten us all how Oda's tokenism is a historical mark for female representation in fiction.

Avatar, another children's cartoon, has better female characters than One Piece could ever hope to have. :kayneshrug:
Claymore has better female characters.
Young Justice has better female characters.
Alloy from Horizon Zero, Ellie from TLoU.
Rat Queens comics.
Cartoons, manga, video games, etc. There are good examples of GOOD characters that are women.

Problem is that people never touch grass and then thinks that "strong female character" is Disney trying to shove the cringe fiesta that is Captain Marvel down people's throats and their response is go back to the walking "ass and tits".

One of the few good things this shitty arc had, is that I could once again believe that Robin is a real and great character. From her undercover mission in Orochi's palace, to the whole Black Maria thing.
Nami? "haha, no clothes go brrrrr great character right there".
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