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10. As a spy for Larines. 0 Purpose? He'd be fighting Luffy if he didn't change his sides. He'd have two groups against him. 9. ordered by WG to forsee what's happening at Wano? Eliminating Luffy before he becomes Nika? 8. fighting against the intruders that poisoned them and made them suffer at their own place? 7. Black sword immediately after getting it? Want Oda to be called out on asspulls? 6. She fought for her right to have a full stomach after being motivated by Luffy and co and she had power that mattered. 5. The weapons he guarded were used by the imprisoned Samurai? Where do you think they got their swords? 4. How Zero purpose? They fought 2 tobi roppos. Helped during the pre raids. Had an epic moment. Ussopp was just a supporting staff tho. I can believe he didn't shine much. 3. The plot ain't over. You are concluding early. 2. Had he not done that, it'd have put him at severe disadvantage and everyone would have died. So he had to choose one path. 1. Why didn't she? She lead to Orochi's downfall. She sent Enma and Abe to their respective owners. Because Kaido shouldn't have been defeated by anyone else than Luffy so why would Enma be responsible for that? It scarred Kaido again. Ame couldhave been used to kill Orochi but how'd Momo save Onigashima if he went to kill Orochi? The story would be different.
10. It seems the world government would have found that out anyway since cp0 were sent. Infact they were there from the beginning making deals with orochi in which he wanted vegapunk. So again useless.

9. Eliminating him which was dumb since they lacked the power to do so and decided mid fight to do so while kaido was there which was a huge risk since kaido himself may have killed him before he even touched Luffy. Terrible planning that yielded no Results.

8. Again did it yield results?
7. Dumb point since it was stated that wado ichimonji was also created by the person whom created enma which is the sword that Zoro had the longest. Him making wado a black blade should have happened since that was hinted at as well. Also your point makes zero sense since Zoro went into wano not knowing coc yet left having advanced coc. So the argument about him not getting a black blade this quickly doesnt hold weight.

6. Again why was a child in war of yonkos? You still can't make it make sense. Infact she didn't even need to be physically there. She could have made her rice balls ahead of time and simply given them to the alliance as a last resort to sway the enemy without her being physically involved. The result would have still been the same with her being safe.

5. And? Why was onimaru needed or even shown? Infact he didn't have to be since it was shown via flashback that the kappa knew exactly were those weapons were since the entire premiise were simply collecting weapons at the graveyard lol.

4. He was useless. It was Tamas fruit that was clutch. Also NAMI needed bigmom to be useful. Infact even if you remove ussop you could have had another ok strength combatant (xdrake) force feed the enmey Tamas rice balls or even better have xdrake convince them to eat it which would add more to the reason why it was great for him to join Luffy in the first place.

3. Hmmm fair point

2 & 1. Exactly what downfall? Was the same no habikiri used to kill orochi? No. Was enma used to kill kaido? No. So both off odens swords had zero purpose in saving wano from the major baddies this arc. The story could have easily written the other kitetsu blade having the functions of enma and it would not change the story base on its ending..
She didn't influence samurais, she didn't influence people on how great Oden was, she didn't influence undercover followed of Oden, she did nothing in those 20 year except play dress up and be bitter towards the enemy. Hell she didn't even train.
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Do any of you gents play Pokemon ultra sun and moon?

There are two pokemon I need. A chimchar (or it's evolutionary family) with the ability iron fist (does not matter the gender or nature or IVs or EVs.

And a zeraora.
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Fellas here's an update on my friend who's watching through One Piece for the first time.

At the moment we're on Drum Island, specifically right as the moment where Luffy reaches the top of the mountain with Sanji and Nami

He seems to have taken more of a liking to Usopp after Little Garden

He definitely has a preference for Zoro over Sanji at the moment. Saying that Zoro "gets all the cool moments" which he said after he uses flaming Onigiri on Mr. 5

He's also had a couple laugh out loud moments, which is nice to see as well. It seems like he's really enjoying it so far
10. It seems the world government would have found that out anyway since cp0 were sent. Infact they were there from the beginning making deals with orochi in which he wanted vegapunk. So again useless.

9. Eliminating him which was dumb since they lacked the power to do so and decided mid fight to do so while kaido was there which was a huge risk since kaido himself may have killed him before he even touched Luffy. Terrible planning that yielded no Results.

8. Again did it yield results?
7. Dumb point since it was stated that wado ichimonji was also created by the person whom created enma which is the sword that Zoro had the longest. Him making wado a black blade should have happened since that was hinted at as well. Also your point makes zero sense since Zoro went into wano not knowing coc yet left having advanced coc. So the argument about him not getting a black blade this quickly doesnt hold weight.

6. Again why was a child in war of yonkos? You still can't make it make sense. Infact she didn't even need to be physically there. She could have made her rice balls ahead of time and simply given them to the alliance as a last resort to sway the enemy without her being physically involved. The result would have still been the same with her being safe.

5. And? Why was onimaru needed or even shown? Infact he didn't have to be since it was shown via flashback that the kappa knew exactly were those weapons were since the entire premiise were simply collecting weapons at the graveyard lol.

4. He was useless. It was Tamas fruit that was clutch. Also NAMI needed bigmom to be useful. Infact even if you remove ussop you could have had another ok strength combatant (xdrake) force feed the enmey Tamas rice balls or even better have xdrake convince them to eat it which would add more to the reason why it was great for him to join Luffy in the first place.

3. Hmmm fair point

2 & 1. Exactly what downfall? Was the same no habikiri used to kill orochi? No. Was enma used to kill kaido? No. So both off odens swords had zero purpose in saving wano from the major baddies this arc. The story could have easily written the other kitetsu blade having the functions of enma and it would not change the story base on its ending..
She didn't influence samurais, she didn't influence people on how great Oden was, she didn't influence undercover followed of Oden, she did nothing in those 20 year except play dress up and be bitter towards the enemy. Hell she didn't even train.
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Do any of you gents play Pokemon ultra sun and moon?

There are two pokemon I need. A chimchar (or it's evolutionary family) with the ability iron fist (does not matter the gender or nature or IVs or EVs.

And a zeraora.
Your point on Enma killing\defeating Kaido is absurd because Luffy doesn't use swords so unless you are zkk stan this problem of yours is just self made. Enma gave Zoro a serious powerup and that was its purpose. Onimaru was shown because he was obviously guarding and collecting tje weapons so unless you skipped its chapter, you shouldn't be having any problems also the arc ain't over so you are jumping forward in advance. Why was a mouse in the war? Questions like these are stupid and have 0 relevance. Tama was a game changer and she did that because she has suffered from Beasts pirates polluting her water source and making her starve. You obviously forget\skip chapters and try to find out flaws. How is point 7 dumb? Instead you are dumb because the questions you have put forward have already been explained if you read the chapter properly. You have memory gaps so go and re read the chapter before you point out mistakes. Point 10 is useless? They were ordered to take out Luffy before he awakens. You surely skipped a lot of chapters pal because these questions feel absurd if you really read it. You are point out illusory stuffs without reading them properly.
Your point on Enma killing\defeating Kaido is absurd because Luffy doesn't use swords so unless you are zkk stan this problem of yours is just self made. Enma gave Zoro a serious powerup and that was its purpose. Onimaru was shown because he was obviously guarding and collecting tje weapons so unless you skipped its chapter, you shouldn't be having any problems also the arc ain't over so you are jumping forward in advance. Why was a mouse in the war? Questions like these are stupid and have 0 relevance. Tama was a game changer and she did that because she has suffered from Beasts pirates polluting her water source and making her starve. You obviously forget\skip chapters and try to find out flaws. How is point 7 dumb? Instead you are dumb because the questions you have put forward have already been explained if you read the chapter properly. You have memory gaps so go and re read the chapter before you point out mistakes. Point 10 is useless? They were ordered to take out Luffy before he awakens. You surely skipped a lot of chapters pal because these questions feel absurd if you really read it. You are point out illusory stuffs without reading them properly.
Do you lack the ability to read? When did I say kill? Exactly. Instead of understanding the point you choose to over react Again it makes no sense for Oden to leave his blades (both of them) if none of them had the purpose of helping defeat the enemy (orochi orr kaido).
I have zero memory gaps bub. Enmas ability could have been given to the second cursed kitetsu and the story would have been the same since enmas purpose which was hyped as the only blade to wound kaido fatally was not fleshed out. Infact we know that's cap since Oden cut him with both blades. It was stated prior that they were going to get weapons from those whom had fallen (graveyard flashback to kawamatsu) with the swords sticking out of their graves. It was shown time and time again that there was zero benefit of hiyori staying in the past. There were countless examples of ussop doing nothing in this arc. There is already statements (SBS or vivre card) showing that Tamas balls effect can work for up to a month. And that she can hand them out to people hence her need to physically be there was not needed. The only person who should re read is you. You will not pull an amber heard in this comment section producing nothing that goes against my points yet claiming things.

So even without onimaru they would have found the weapons. And if oda had written that kitetsu had enmas ability (which was simply releasing Zoro's own haki) then the story would have been the same without over glorifying a sword that did not do what it was intended to do this arc. Same with the ame no habikiri (which in actually mythology was the sword to kill orochi).
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