it’s going to be better than manga I hope we don’t get disappointed again.

I hope the anime is so good it brings back The Holy One
i think i remember him lol, was he talking like he had a post restriction like his name indicates?

you know who would make a fantastic pair?

Natalija and Shottie

throw in Broki, Nana and Jinri with them and watch this section explode
a fantastic pair for what


i think i remember him lol, was he talking like he had a post restriction like his name indicates?
in mafia or general cause idek if he actually ever tried mafia he was in battledome and bleach threads mainly and we would chat on my page a lot weekly for new bleach ch reviews holy, heavenly Yaksha and and hao.
Oh the holy one.. Didnt he had his own fanclub?
Lol he did yes. The pic in my sig is his haha