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I think next chapter is going to end with a revelation on Teach's bounty. I think something happened that's going to boost it to 10 bil or something crazy like that.

Otherwise, Luffy's surely going to surpass his bounty and law and Kid might as well. Oda needs to do something to preserve Teach's hype.
The only thing he can do to hype him is give him an Ancient Weapon, Kill Shanks or defeat an Admiral
Literally reading that before Wano's conclusion made me think we'd get some nuance with Kaido. Not making him grey but giving him depth for his world view.

I had too much hope in Oda
Luffy, Nami, Usopp running around, Kanjuro getting up for the 5th time chapters are more important than a full chapter of Kaido's backstory

Instead we got 4 pages with panels of different timelines thrown together "here piece the puzzles yourslef with these have a nice day"
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