Kaido only told that to King...πŸ˜‘
Kaido said to King that JoyBoy is the one who defeats him, we may as well assume that the knowledge of JoyBoy returning and defeating Kaido is widespread. So, let's say that everyone and their mother knows that JoyBoy is going to defeat Kaido, which actually happened, how can you prevent the world from knowing JoyBoy is back or at least, cover it partly? By making Kaido's defeat seem like a combined effort from 3 members of the worst generation (Luffy, Law, Kidd) so you can't easily say that it comes from a guy who became JoyBoy.
Kaido himself said that JoyBoy was the one who defeats him, what if this info is not secret but widely known so the WG gave the same bounty to Luffy, Law and Kidd so nobody knows who is JoyBoy?
The cp0 guy know that luffy was the one defeating kaido and that law and kid defeated big mom.