What the best thing in the chap ?

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Sakazuki is probably top 3 right now.

Nice joke. :goyea:
I think it never exists to begin with.
The terminology "Yonko Level (precisely yonko level > admiral level)" is spread massively among fandom is because most fandom think Lolko > Admiral.

And you're right, if we want to make sich terminology, should've been better to refer to Admiral:suresure:
Don't get excited Greenbitch fans :gokulaugh:

Yonko level is scaling up to WSM WB and WSC Kaido, something Ladmirals never did.

Buggy is just a gag, so only 3 characters left on that level: Shanks, BB and Luffy. That's it.

BB and Luffy will surpass even WB and Roger level, while Ladmirals aren't even on Yonko level.
Says the guy who uses a fictional character's name as a name
Yeah, I'm using a fictional character's name, but I'm not triggered by him. Wow, you really suck at comebacks.

lmao L-troll.
Proving my point you take Japanese comic books way too seriously. (Curious as to why you're hating King all of the sudden.)

Where was your sensitive mouth when @LANJI CUCKSMOKE talks :suresure: Hypocrite troll.
Clearly not crying like you do on a daily basis when Zoro's name is uttered in a manga panel.
King and queen got their asses beat by zoro and sanji as soon as they powered up and neither is close to admiral level
Dont matter whst shape rhey were in really if we being honest cause them getting their asses beat was inevitable

What's wrong with what i said

Make it 10 fully healed kings and they still lose to an admiral
King and queen just aint those guys
"Underworld" is not the correct word because underworld here means "criminal organization net".
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