What the best thing in the chap ?

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I think the people who always thought YC1's are close to admirals in strength forget how huge the gap between a yonko and his first commander is. It's like several tiers. In my head-canon it probably goes like this:

I think it has something to do with "Opening Wano's Borders." Because of the recent events, I think it's a safe bet to say that opening the Borders is much more than just proclaiming the Borders are now open. The Gorosei made it seem like when the borders are open, they could easily launch an assault on Wano. That means, the natural defenses of Wano will disappear. When Momonosuke told Zunesha that he won't be opening the borders yet, Zunesha left. So I think Zunesha is the one who will be able to open them. If that's the case, then I think it stands to reason, that Pluton is actually "sealed" somewhere on or around Wano, and impossible to get to, until the natural defenses of Wano disappear. Only then, can the ship be reached. Perhaps it's even submerged underwater, and when the weather of Wano becomes stable, the ship will rise to the surface.
Hmm, not sure that only Zunisha can open the border. "Open the border" was also always what Oden kept repeating, and iirc Oden wasn't shown met or interacted with Zunisha.
So if Oden could open the border too then Zunisha isn't required.

Do you also think Kaido knows Pluton is hidden in Wano (thus he kept trying to occupy Wano) but didn't have it in his hands yet? What was Kaido's intention again by moving Onigashima to Wano main island?

@Echizen_Jo_Ndule said Pluton might have been hidden in Mountain Fuji. Probably that is true. We kept hearing Mt. Fuji yet Oda never focused on the mountain yet. It is as if Oda teased the mountain is special, but even until Kaido's defeat he still saves the mountain secret. Maybe Kaido has searched all over Wano from land to village to ruin to below the sea but never thought that it is actually hidden inside the mountain. (Although it is weird too because why dragon creature like Kaido avoids the mountain?)
That’s not a haki feat and that’s… that’s not cutting Kaido.
Scarring Kaido is a good feat, but let's not act like Kata with his mogura will be absolutely useless against King.

Diced Mochi/Mogura. He has potential to learn proper CoC coating too, he still remains the only YC1 to have CoC. The fact that he might become the next in charge of the BMP is enougg proof of that.

As for Ryokugyu if he does indeed have a black blade, then his CoA will be for sure over Zoro's, and moreso over Kata no brainer in that regard.
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