What the best thing in the chap ?

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Only some people. Most people, as I said, don't even acknowledge most of the admiral feats because WB was injured. Even I was once guilty of shitting on Akainu for not being able to outclass a weakened WB.
Yes. And those people are smart.

The only people who use the admiral "feats" against WB are clearly illiterate.
King and Queen are the ones who started the confrontation from Ryokugyu's dialogue (except if he got schizophrenia) but they were defenselesss prisoners. will age as well as King and Queen bleeding to death for seven days straight:quest:
Admiralbros pissed at first sign of trouble... Who would have guessed... :milaugh:
You want to tell me that Calamities are imprisoned without cuffs?
Do you need to dumb yourselves down that much for a sake of an agenda?
Or you got an explanation why King and Queen who can wreck the place are without cuffs?
Or why King who can transform into a bird and fly away is staying for Aramaki's merienda?
Think, bois, think. :myman:
So you dont have proof of cuffs or being prisoners ? And instead we literally have panels of them without cuffs...

Es lo mismo. Whitebeard estaba en malas condiciones cuando llegaron Blackbeard Pirates. King estaba en malas condiciones cuando llegó Green Bull.

Bueno, la situación de King es aún peor. Perdió su espada y 1 ala, mientras que Barbanegra no perdió su bisento cuando llegó Barbanegra.
No it is not the same, we all saw clearly why WB lost, in the case of King and Queen everything is left to speculation and everyone can twist the fight as they please.

King and Queen had a week off and their fight was OFF PANEL.
King could at least use his Zoan and leave quietly but as in all off panel fights oda shits on logic.
Queen has laser to spam and he conveniently didn't use it.
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