What the best thing in the chap ?

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You don't fight people better by standing in a better position, whatever that means. CoC isn't helping Kuri from getting sucked into oblivion either. Also, stop using GB as a reason to claim everyone and their mothers can suddenly beat King and Queen. The guy's an admiral, for the love of God Usopp.
Coc can blooms, look how zoro defeated king when he awakened adcoc, luffy started fighting kaido in base only when his coc bloom. So saying coc isnt helping kata is wrong. It is coc that matters most.
World government interest of what cp agent reported. Not what happened there .


Luffy kid law are the only ones who fought against yonkous during the raid . That means cp agent reported like that . And they beat the two yonkous . Big Mom did not fight against any opponent till worst generation. But kaido fought akayaza , yamato and luffy . What cp agent reported is that . So not suprise
By this explanation, will Zoro and Killer not only credited for defeating King & Apoo and Hawkins respectively, but also for contributing to the Yonkos fight (regardless of the time span)?
Wano alone county aside from elbaf to stand against gaints.
Ryuma a sword god who made it happen.
i won't be suprised if it's a sword.

a sword can cut through a whole island sounds like a good feat to me. or it's more or less a inherited ability like shirahoshi. blackbeard coating it is.

Only one black blade can exist at a time.
But mihawk already have black sword right?
Atm there is only 2 sword which is blackened right?
Or maybe in wano they can create a black sword more easy
Marco was considered a candidate for the Yonkou by the Gorosei. You must have skipped a lot of chapters to come to such conclusion.
Yeah "Considered"
And then we saw the result "Utter Defeat & got Overwhelmed against BB who many consider to be weakest Yonko at the time"
And go check, they didn't say Marco was Yonko Candidate, they said Marco alongside rest of crew could possibly stop Blackbeard.
Sorry to tell you, they failed miserably

Ryokugyu says: "An Admiral can't lose against some Commanders"
Marco: "I can't hold against two Commanders for long"

He doesn't even consider himself close to an Admiral, so no need to overhype him


I will never forgive Oda
Trust me bud. Many here can read and still pushes Admiral = YC, they're now either denying it and pretend like they never said that or they dipped like Tejas.
Lotta people do it for the purpose of trolling, there’s very few who are that stuck in the mud to think a commander gives an admiral any degree of difficulty. Aside from Marco who can only last long. I don’t consider not dying as fast to be an accomplishment though
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