A break for Night Lynch Deciders after N1?

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    Votes: 2 6.9%
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    Votes: 11 37.9%
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    Votes: 7 24.1%
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    Votes: 8 27.6%
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    Votes: 1 3.4%

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what is soft about it?
It is a hard defense imho
nah it is soft, you are defending him based on assumption rather than evidence. It is an easy thing to do to get on someone's soft side and seem good.

You are just assuming a lot in his defence, interjecting your own version of what is rather than what could be

In that order. My vote‘s on Ekko, but I‘m also fine with an Ultra lynch so far.

What‘s your take on this?
I would say Gramm looks the worst here.

Drago/Ultra take second place and I think cal is townie here.

I am not sure yet if drago is genuine in his game solving or not tbh. What is your read on the guy? You think that is townie drago?

But I don't scum reading them because they are voting for you per say, you brought this on yourself if you are townie.
I would say Gramm looks the worst here.

Drago/Ultra take second place and I think cal is townie here.

I am not sure yet if drago is genuine in his game solving or not tbh. What is your read on the guy? You think that is townie drago?

But I don't scum reading them because they are voting for you per say, you brought this on yourself if you are townie.
In the most recent games I played with scum Drago he always buddied me. He reminds me of Weebs when he was Town and thought he caught me. But well, he didn‘t back then and didn‘t now lol.
stating to want to catch up and will be back soon and then disappears. Why make such post? feels forced, not genuine, and just made it to give the impression that she is alive. If you are busy and not gonna catch up soon then why state you gonna catch up and be back soon? eh, I might be looking too deep into this but my gut is telling the girl is scum.
stating to want to catch up and will be back soon and then disappears. Why make such post? feels forced, not genuine, and just made it to give the impression that she is alive. If you are busy and not gonna catch up soon then why state you gonna catch up and be back soon? eh, I might be looking too deep into this but my gut is telling the girl is scum.
I did the same thing.
got lazy.
my game starts from now.
Here is Ultra‘s ISO regarding my wagon.

[Vote lynch Flower]
No real interaction with me or discussion prior to that vote. He doesn‘t even tag me or talk to me. He just drops a vote and leaves it at that.
We might need to take out his goon Flower first
Shading without any explanation whatsoever.
I'd be fine with a Flower vote too at this point - little of value to be lost there.
Again admits the vote is just because.
You're very transparently posturing, here.
How did he even reach that conclusion?
No, Flower, this isn't evidencing your point. I made my intention toward you very clear. If anyone's been weak, it's you, by trying to rope others in to help you when I put the smallest bit of pressure on you. Pathetic.
I didn‘t even do that.
[Vote lynch Flower]
Again, not even putting any pressure on me.
I'd say there's a chance Flower just has a strong role she's leaning on claiming, but the frequency of her claims in this regard feels like she could be faking it. I have no problem taking her to task
Thinks I might have a strong role yet keeps voting me.

None of these posts display any Townie mindset whatsoever. They look like he‘s just looking for an easy vote to latch on to. Town Ultra is not that lame.
Here is Ultra‘s ISO regarding my wagon.

No real interaction with me or discussion prior to that vote. He doesn‘t even tag me or talk to me. He just drops a vote and leaves it at that.

Shading without any explanation whatsoever.

Again admits the vote is just because.

How did he even reach that conclusion?

I didn‘t even do that.

Again, not even putting any pressure on me.

Thinks I might have a strong role yet keeps voting me.

None of these posts display any Townie mindset whatsoever. They look like he‘s just looking for an easy vote to latch on to. Town Ultra is not that lame.
Why not vote him then? if you have a strong feeling he is scum?
So, just to underline my argument here. I check this place, and I have three notifications direct from Ekko. Ekko's stated position is that he is *certain* I am Scum, his mind already made up, he just needs to convince others now. He has no interest in engaging me on that, done deal.

So why is he bugging me still? Why is he prodding and poking a player he has his mind made up on? It doesn't stand up, which is why I believe it evidences my position that he isn't anywhere near as confident as he wants to say he is, which in turn, makes his statement manipulative.
As far as my vote is concerned - we'll allow me to be transparent. I have a vested interest, especially as Town, in players being held to the consequence of making absolution isn't statements, such as those Ekko has made this game. Absolutionist statements are, as a general more, more persuasive than their non-absolutionist counterparts, and the trade off to this is that if one is made and then disproven, again speaking generally, the one making the statement is brought to task for making it.

Given the nature of Mafia, I'm sure itdtevident why I have every reason to not want to allow a player to make these kinds of statements to persuade people over to their side, and then not be held to them, *especially* on the basis of "well he always does this". If these statements he made never persuaded people, it would be a different matter, but as it stands currently it is quite literally the definition of wanting to have one's cake and eat it. I'm merely attempting to enforce the consequence of attempting so.
You're somewhat making my point here. Yes, it's bad for him, but what I'm saying is Ekko Is being allowed to make these statements, and then not be held to them. I'm attempting to make sure he's held to them. Does that make sense?
The implication I am getting from these posts is that you don't really think that ekko is scum, but are more interested in holding him accountable for his regular play?

Also you mention it being a convincing style and if wrong he should be held to account, but honestly is anyone convinced by it? Why are pushing this when no one else is really buying what he's selling, and when you don't really seem to indicate you think he's scum?
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