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The End and the Beginning
@Ratchet fav arcane character so far btw?

show gets better the more eps u watch
I don't really know to be honest, none of them have gripped me yet. As harsh as it may sound, I don't particularly like any of the characters so far. I think the setting is fairly typical too, it's very "Vidya Game Lore". I won't go as far as to call it generic, but it's definitely defined by tropes so far, and that goes especially for the characters (they remind me of Genshin Impact characters in a sense, where they have one personality trait and a unique design and their entire character revolves around that - one note, you could say).

I don't mind you waiting on Full Metal Panic until I've fully finished. I should be watching the next 3 episodes tomorrow, and then the final 3 over the weekend or something. Also, I want to say, as critical as I may sound it's really not bad so far. Animation is nice and smooth, visually it's stylish, and the story does enough to keep it hanging together.


The End and the Beginning
good to see the review of a non league player

for us these characters were all just characters that we play with for years, but don't really know the full story off

seeing this series is like imagine a proper cinematic of genshin/FF being made into a movie. it'll hit differently if u play the game but they did a really good job to making it appealing those who know nothing about league
I think Final Fantasy is a little different, as they tend to have more complex narratives (by virtue of being a JRPG, more time to flesh out a smaller cast). Just the main story alone of XIV runs for around 300~ hours I'd wager, 300 hours with the same core cast - you'd really expect them to be nuanced. Genshin is a good example I think though, there are often hints at a wider backstory and a TV show would be the right format to explore those things more.

It definitely hits its mark, anyway. It's not the kind of show I'd typically bother watching, but it's enjoyable enough to not feel like a waste of time, and that's really all it needs to be too.
Since I feel like ragging on Naruto some more, kaguya was the worst villain in Naruto. Came out of nowhere to take out a villain kishi had made to OP. They really shoehorned her in, and no I don't count Boruto I think most of us choose to ignore it's canonicity
Like you said all the good Naruto is till the Pain arc end. After that there are few good moments of hype and fights, but not anything of quality.

I don't know why i even tried to give Boruto a try, it was just shitty.
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