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Wyper definitely got CoC :steef:

once he's caught up, make your friend join worstgen and introduce him to @AdmiralKinyagi
I sadly don't think that's going to happen
He's not interested in joining
You two would've gotten along I'm sure
He knows about Carrot, and I've been pointing out lookouts throughout the series
And you know what he said?
"If all the other members are doing this job then why do they need a lookout"
2 peas in a pod I'm sure


- Kidd leaves Wano on his ship, takes a huge heap of scrap with him.
- Sees Zunesha on the seas, attacks with Punk Gibson.
- Zunesha just blows air at Kid with its trunk.
- Kidd and crew blown away in storm.
- Zunesha thinks "Oh Joyboy, this reminds me of the insects that used to fly around us back then."
@Pot Goblin you said that your friends fav character is Chopper, am I right?
I just watched the iconic scene of Doc Hiriluk, such a legend.
Chopper had such a good backstory, it’s sad that he became a merchandise product.
Yea he does become a bit more merchy post-ts
Though the cute things that he does is why he likes him in the first place lol

He's getting Chopper merch for his birthday
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