Hmm, I'm kinda not surprised tbh, it seemed like it would be a let down somehow. I've heard its very heavy on exposition and its messy?
I'm supposed to be seeing it this Tuesday with a "free" ticket from a relative who can't go anymore but I'm not sure what to expect. I'm kinda curious on it and I did like Ragnarok too.
I wasn't that impressed from the trailers tbh but getting Zeus with Russell Crowe playing him too and God Butcher with Christian Bale is very interesting. I'm wondering if Hercules is in it?
I remember seeing
@Lion of Olympus talking about him on here but I don't read the comics so I know very little about him. The Marvel version that is ofc lol. Kinda funny that Disney owns two versions of Hercules now at least?
Lmaooo hahaha, Shanks uses La Chancla!
Meanwhile, what this long ass break is doing to my last 2 braincells: