Writing Tourney voting thread!

Vote for your favourite entry!

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Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Hello and welcome to the voting phase of the tourney!

Theme of the tourney was - Rebirth/Resurrection
(1) Writing Tournament Signup Thread - Theme: Resurrection | Worstgen

We have 5 great submissions for you to read and vote on!

Good luck to all entries!

Entry 5 is in post number 3!!!

I'm the strongest, everyone knows
but fucking lonesome comes this road
Sitting at the top, everyone below
The pleasure, the vanity, long time gone

new challenges waiting for me ?
new person that I can be ?
a new hope to change my life
but no goals in plain sight

I don't know anything else
Born and raised to fight, mindless
But i can't go on like this
I need to find again the bliss

That life wasn't without goodies
Without wines, girls, victories
It was fun to be the best
For my enemies the hell fest

Okay, it's time to move
The tiger goes back to dove
Take the risk and throw it all
To leave my crown and enjoy

It's decided, I'll let it go
Tomorrow I begin piano

The familiar icy touch embraced me
Leaving a feeling of indescribable peace
One of no worries to dwell upon

Soft bells rang in the distance
Timely intervals marked each set of rings
As Order took charge of the mysterious land

A lady's singing could be heard overhead
Eerie but angelic
Sweet melodies in a tongue I could not decipher

A quiet forest lay ahead of me
Colored with brilliant hues of green
Golden light peeking through each delicate leaf

The End was on the other side.

As I embarked inside, the stillness overtook me

What had I done this time?

A thick fog surrounded me
Greens faded into grays
The leaves fell and the trees rotted
Light was replaced by darkness
The lady's song was now nothing more than shrieks and screams
The bells clanged with disarray and Chaos

Louder, and louder, and louder, and louder
Louder and louder and louder and louder

My soul succumbing to madness...

Until it stopped.

Artificial lights poured into view as strange masked people held me
I could only wail in horror
For I was forced to live out a nightmare once more.

On a day like any other, I sit here with my own thoughts, trying to delve deep within the self.

What does it mean that one day is like the other, it surely isn't like the day before. However all the mundane tasks you do every day, and going to the same job meeting your colleagues is a repeating occurrence, doesn't mean it was just the same as the last time. Within all of the familiar every day stuff, new things happen, different variations of the same things, making it not really the same. But like all things, days will come to an end, bringing down the curtains for yet another played act.

As you look up at the starry night sky, greeting the moon and the constellations, you feel the tiredness grow. You will go to sleep, and have dreams, perhaps remind yourself of something you need to do. But once you've opened your eyes again, everything is the same, but different. The self you was yesterday is no more, for now you are yourself today. Each and every life you live will be a slightly different one, until you recall a distant past where your current life is hardly unrecognisable.

The sun burned bright behind Zoro’s closed eyelids, the ship’s mast at his back an uncomfortable headrest as he napped. On the fore deck, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper played with a colourful beach ball, while Robin and Brook lounged on a set of deck chairs nearby. All was well aboard the Sunny, the sounds of merriment and laughter filled the air, carrying over a salty breeze and gently lapping sea. Until…

“AIIIEEEEE!!” Nami’s shrill cry pierced the air, turning every head on the ship towards her where she stood, watering her beloved tangerine trees. Zoro’s eyes flew open at once, his hand reaching instinctively towards his swords, prepared to defend the crew from any threat.

“Get it away! Get it away!” Nami squealed, batting furiously at one of the trees, and Zoro scowled, his hand falling limply to his side. Muttering a curse under his breath, he climbed unsteadily to his feet and made his way over to the redheaded navigator, prepared to chastise her for interrupting his nap.

“Zoro!” Nami yelped and rushed towards him as he ascended the stairs to the upper deck. “My trees! They’re going to destroy my babies! You have to get them off!”

“Huh?” Zoro’s good eye squinted at the tangerine trees, still in perfect health, with fat orange fruits hanging from each branch. Nothing at all seemed amiss, but Nami was adamant.

“Look!” she cried, grabbing both of Zoro’s shoulders. “Ugh, why do men have to be so blind!? There’s caterpillars on the leaves! They’re everywhere!”

Zoro blinked and he moved towards the trees for a closer look. Sure enough, plump green caterpillars clung to some of the leaves, enjoying a sumptuous feast. Long and many-legged, the caterpillars left ugly pockmarks in the leaves, oozing a translucent slime that glistened under the light.

“Nami! I got the bug spray!” Chopper hopped up and down, brandishing a canister of insect repellant. Nami snatched the can from his tiny hand and aimed the nozzle directly towards the caterpillars, preparing to spray-

“Oi, stop!” Zoro planted himself between Nami and the bugs, spreading both arms to prevent her from reaching around his broad torso. “Don’t kill them! I’ll get them out of here.”

“What are you doing?” Nami watched, puzzled, as Zoro disappeared into the ship’s kitchen, emerging with a large empty glass jar. Patiently, delicately, Zoro plucked each caterpillar from her trees, placing them into the jar where they writhed and wriggled in a squirming green mass.

“How fascinating.” Robin appeared behind Nami and Chopper, drawn by the sudden commotion. “We must have picked them up from the last island somewhere. These ones seem harmless, but I’ve heard some species of caterpillar are poisonous and can cause serious allergic reactions in humans.”

“Poisonous, you say?” Brook tapped his cane on the deck. “Sounds scary enough to make my skin crawl… If I had any skin to begin with, that is! Yohohoho!”

“You can’t play with them, can you?” Luffy asked his archaeologist. “If only we’d picked up something fun instead, like horned beetles. Then Usopp, Chopper and me could make ‘em wrestle.”

Zoro ignored his crewmates as he screwed the lid tightly on the jar, trapping the last of the caterpillars inside. Careful not to spill them over the deck, he carried the jar towards Usopp’s Pop Green plantation, releasing the caterpillars into the loamy soil beds.

“Oh hey, that’s actually a good idea.” Usopp stroked his chin. “Some of the carnivorous plants could use a mid-afternoon snack.”

Nami wrinkled her nose. “I still think we should’ve just sprayed them all. Now some of Usopp’s plants are gonna be chewed on too.”

“Nah leave ‘em.” Zoro told her. “They’re supposed to be part of a healthy eco-whatsit. That’s what I was told anyway.”

“Never thought I’d hear that from Marimo.” Sanji smirked, poking his head out from behind the kitchen door. “Didn’t think he had the brains to figure out something like that.”

Robin chuckled quietly as Zoro’s ears reddened. “It seems we all learned much while we were away for two years.”

“Hmph.” Zoro folded his arms and looked away, attempting to hide the red flush spreading across his cheeks.

“I suppose we did.”

Zoro grunted with exertion as he lowered a large wooden crate to the ground, the box’s contents emitting a loud clinking sound as he did. Wiping the sweat streaming down his brow, Zoro pulled a metal canteen from his sash and downed a large gulp of water, wishing, in vain, that it had been sake instead. Out of corner of his eye, he noticed Perona floating a few paces behind him, a skull-patterned parasol in one hand, a jar of homemade sangria in the other. Perona’s large eyes darted back and forth as she surveyed the area around them, a wide expanse of soil and dirt from which a few scattered plants had sprung.

“This place is boring.” Perona declared at last, playing with the cubed fruit at the bottom of her drink. “Why did we even come here? We could be at home watching the monkeys try to learn the piano right now.”

“You’re the one that decided to come watch my training.” Zoro reminded the Ghost Princess. “Besides, the monkeys are terrible. They just bang on the keys and make a huge din.”

“Yeah, but they’re trying!” Perona countered. “One day, they’re gonna learn how to play all the creepy songs I like. Just you wait and see.”

“All you do is annoy me and Hawk-Eyes by making smartass comments on my training.” Zoro complained. “And speaking of training, what kind of training is this? All I’ve done today is unload these crates from the boat; I haven’t even touched my swords at all!”

“Patience, Roronoa. Your wounds have yet to heal from our last spar after all.” Perona and Zoro turned to see the world’s strongest swordsman enter the clearing from the shadowy forest behind them.

“Oh so you’re worried about my injuries are you?” Zoro crossed his arms over his chest skeptically. “You could’ve just let me rest at home then, instead of making me run your little errands.”

Mihawk raised a brow. “We only have two years to train, do we not? I merely assumed you did not wish to remain idle. Now come, Roronoa. Remove the lids from each crate and place the contents on the ground.”

Zoro followed his master’s instructions, grumbling quietly to himself. The crates were filled with glass jars, each containing a single green caterpillar or earthworm. Zoro recognised them as fish bait, available at any market or port town, though for the life of him, he couldn’t fathom what Hawk-Eyes wanted to do with them so far inland. He watched, baffled, as Mihawk unscrewed each jar lid, tipping the wriggling creatures onto the dirt and watching them crawl hurriedly away.

“Well that was a huge waste of time and money.” Zoro watched the last of the earthworms burrow into the dirt and out of sight. “I thought we were gonna use them to go fishing or something. Instead you went and threw away all that quality bait.”

Mihawk pinched the bridge of his nose, silently reminding himself that berating his apprentice for his simple-mindedness was a lost cause. “This is training, Roronoa. Think about what the purpose of this exercise might be.”

“Oh, I know!” Perona interjected. “Caterpillars are super gross. Not cute at all. You’re still mad at me for making sangria out of your wine, and you’re still mad at Marimo for not telling you.”

Both swordsmen paid her no mind, causing Perona to puff her cheeks indignantly. “Dunno.” Zoro scratched the back of his neck. “Nothing really comes to mind. Can I get a hint?”

“Look around, Roronoa. What do you see?”

Zoro glanced around, taking in the brownish-red soil beneath his boots, the sloping hills of Kuraigana in the distance, the rusted remnants of weapons half-buried in the dirt.

“Umm… an old battlefield, I guess.” Zoro mumbled. “Is this important? I thought this whole place was basically a war zone before you moved in.”

“It is… for now.” Mihawk stooped low, catching a handful of earth between his fingers. “One day, this place will be an orchard. Butterflies will pollinate the plants, ensuring a yearly harvest of fruit. Corpses and ash from the war have enriched the soil here. The worms will loosen the earth, making it ideal for planting and tilling. That is what I see.”

“Right...” Zoro suppressed a sigh, secretly frustrated by his master’s tendency to speak in inscrutable metaphors. “And this relates to my training… how, exactly?”

“Geez, you’re so stupid.” Perona stuck her tongue out. “I totally get it, you’re just the slowest one here, as usual.”

“If you’re so damn smart, why don’t you just explain it already?”

“W-well…” Perona began to stammer, unused to her bluff being called. “Y-you see, what he meant was… uh…”

“It is important to visualise one’s eventual goal,” Mihawk interrupted her mid-sentence. “Imagine the level of strength you wish to achieve, and work backwards to understand what must be done. It is not enough to blindly lift weights or swing your sword without an endgame in mind, particularly when our time here is limited.”

“Huh.” Zoro nodded, slowly beginning to understand. “Although I imagine that’d be faster if you stopped dropping crumbs and actually showed me all you were capable of, Master.”

“Such cheek.” Mihawk’s lips quirked briefly. “You are unprepared for what you would see, Roronoa. I would not wish to discourage you from pursuing your dream so early.”

“You think being outclassed would make me wanna give up? Fat chance!” Zoro grinned. “But alright. I’ll keep getting stronger, and one day you’ll have to go all out on me, or else you’ll lose! That’s the goal I’m gonna have in mind from now on.”

Mihawk’s lips quirked again - too wide for a smirk - the first time Perona had ever seen him smile.

“I look forward to it, Roronoa.”


Thin, emerald veins snaked along the length of the chrysalis, the skin pale and translucent, almost pulsating with life. Perona peered at the row of cocoons hanging from the young cherry tree’s branches, licking her lips at the thought of the first fruit in spring. The butterflies would soon emerge to greet the blossoms, bathing the burgeoning orchard in a sea of whites yellows and pinks. Humming cheerfully to herself, Perona floated down from the treetops, watching a family of Humandrills diligently ploughing the ground under Mihawk’s strict direction.

“The cherry saplings seem to be coming along,” he said by way of greeting. “It’s a shame Roronoa will not be present for the harvest.”

“No it’s not. Means more for us!” Perona laughed, anticipating her next batch of fresh sangria, the deep bitter taste of Mihawk’s wine enhanced by notes of ripe young fruit. “Fine wine is totally wasted on Marimo - he’d drink toilet water if it had a high enough alcohol content.”

“His taste is not dissimilar to Red-Hair in that sense.” Mihawk agreed. “Unfortunately, Red-Hair can at least boast of having superior swordsmanship and Haki. Roronoa possesses neither.”

“Aw, you’re being too hard on him. He’s come a long way,” Perona teased. “You know, the first time you brought us here, I was half expecting you to say that the caterpillars represented Marimo, and through your training he would be reborn as a beautiful butterfly. If anything, he’d be a big, ugly moth. Not cute enough for a butterfly.

“Some claim that a swordsman’s training resembles that process. That training requires ill habits to die; for an instructor to destroy their apprentice’s ego so that they may be more amenable to instruction.”

“Ugh.” Perona rolled her eyes. “You’re really good at sucking the fun out of everything, you know that?”

Her exasperation only seemed to amuse Mihawk, and his distinctive eyes twinkled with mirth as he cast his gaze over the land. Formerly a battlefield, a desolate wasteland devoid of light and life, the orchard thrummed now with activity, the crisp night breeze punctuated by the chirps and grunts of curious Humandrills. The chrysalises on the trees seemed to glow, luminous, beneath the moonlight, repeating the promise of rebirth, for the land of Kuraigana to thrive in the wake of destruction. For the once-solitary swordsman, the promise of a brighter tomorrow, anticipation for reunions with an old rival and a headstrong apprentice began to stir warmth in his heart once more.

Perhaps he too could learn to live again.

@Den_Den_Mushi @Garp the Fist @ShishioIsBack @Cinera @Light D Lamperouge
@Nidai_Kitetsu @Buggy D Clown @Luffy_Fan @Pringles @Pot Goblin @Meeyori @BornInAbyss @OnePiss @MonsterKaido @I'mTired @DoctorIndigo @Luffydom56 @Luffy is the mc @Rottkins @Rivaille @Cyrus the Cactus @stormylife @KiriNigiri @Reddot4 @Aknolagon @T.D.A @nik87 @HA001 @Fenaker @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Tyki_Mikk @Flowa @Joygirl @Gol D. Roger @Haoshoku @Natalija @Reborn @Geo @LolonoisZolo @ShadyOjiro @Dragomir @Grumpy Zoro @Monet @Sade @Rukusho @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @sneko @stairs-kun @Oblivion @yj @solis @Seth @Zowo @style @Blother @Camie @MarimoHeado @Marimo_420 @Orojackson Refugee @Zenos7 @Don DaSlayer @Guymieux @Dark Hound @HAJIKATA @Queen @LadyVados @bennbeckman @Ice devil slayer @Jew D. Boy @Gon’s Missing Arm @Mr. Bushido @Mikail @Thabeast @MasterD @Enma @Finalbeta @Sword God Ryuma @Sunita @RyumaZoro @Himura @yorosenpai @Sanji D Goat @RZ.119 @Greenbeard @Zoro @zorojurou @Foxy Bunny @IceWitch @Yukihime @Gensui Sazid @bblue @I'mTired @DKI @Cross_Marian @kumae @Tamerani @Blue @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Yo Tan Wa @Chrono @Albino 👑 @DarkWitch @WillOfMyD @Yo Tan Wa @Jackteo @Sakura no Hiluluk @Gambit @Foxy Bunny @JioFreed @Tenshi No Konan @Hiragaro @Chaves @Dark Knight Sanji @MUUGEN @Kiwipom @Soleus @yunzabit heights @Winsmoke Sanji @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @ZoroIsOverrated @PuckTheGreat @Nana @Guan Yu @Rosella.Fiamingo @KINGKONGGUN15 @Monster trio @Sadistic Senpai Bullet @Jack @Im_not_Osama_bin_laden @Crooc @SaintBellkin @Mr. Anderson @Sunita @Exodia. @KenshiraSonata @Constantine @Seth @rednose @Parker @Cobra. @Momoheechulkabe9000 @Olimaat @ImpalerDragon @Surgeon of death @Onito @Hedfi @Bango🍅
@Blackflamesanji @Ishin @As Lama @KaiHiei @ali @Missy @Doggo @Whos D. Silhouette @Arrow @BleakAsh @Cuisto @NotTommy @TheKnightOfTheSea @LordVinsmoke @Vinsmoke D. Zolo @Rulo D.Oro @PerfectHie @phatltse62882 @[No Name] @Nameless-San @Necrohol @U c 4 up da idly @YASER @Toph @Kagurashii @Straight From Laughtale @Raiden7 @Lord_Braggy @soheilhazrat @JioFreed : @K!NG HARA$H!MA @TheAncientCenturion @stealthblack @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @MarineHQ62 @Yo Tan Wa @Finalbeta @Arara @Chrono @Owl Ki @RayanOO @Cobra. @Marimo_420 @Ishin @Vonal @Hiragaro @Denim @Gensui Sazid @Enma @Cross_Marian @Sanji D Goat @Constantine @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Monkey D Theories @Buusatan94 @Sunita @KiriNigiri @Reddot4 @King7 @sprolololo @EtenBoby @Monet @Parker @Artorias @PerfectHie @VersusPhD
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Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Coda and Harmony
There was once a Demon who strived to be free. He laughed at any who tried to rule him, while seeking one who could love him. His magic was great, and so was his skill, but his arrogance was greater still.

His name was Kostkron the Creator, a master of Creation and Entropic Magic. The strongest Demon known to Hell. Yet, power brought him no joy.

All Demons mocked Kostkron for wishing to find love, despite his horrible attitude; even worse reputation; and menacing appearance, a mighty minotaur with limbs like tree trunks and claws sharp enough to cut into the very Light of God.

Kostkron’s power eventually came to be feared by three of the four Demon Lords of Hell:

Atrazan Direrigula, who bathed in the blood of raped Angels, and lorded over an army of militarized, Magetech-enhanced Succubi;

Revela Korqalla, who cheered with unbound glee as her Demon-drenched colosseums were filled with all colors of blood and hollering screeches of death and glory;

And Gendren Zackish, a great, gaseous Djinn, who lived as a meticulous, recluse, his long purple tongue slurping upon the shards of Souls he had collected over billions of years.

Under Atrazan’s urgent urging, the three Demon Lords came together to stop Kostkron from amassing any more strength, lest he overthrow them all, and rule Hell alone.

The Demons Lords banded together and destroyed Kostkron, leaving him barely alive. Seeking to gain something from so much effort, they sold Kostkron to Iskyland Paradise, the floating Witch city, which existed upon the Mortal Plane.

Kostkron became a toy to Tree Marrok, one of the cults that ruled Iskyland Paradise. His enslaver was a Warlock known as Abon-Fen Arachnid Arson, a scientists who loved ripping living flesh apart with burning spider legs looming from his back.

No matter how loud Kostkron screamed, begged, pleaded, threatened… he was helpless. After killing the Demon in Hell, they had transferred his shattered Soul into magic computer code, forming an AI. Finally, in a perfect act of sacrilege, they had forced that AI into the Soul of a scrawny Witch, named Sophia Soft Song.

Trapped in Sophia, Kostkron wanted to vomit. His magic had been so powerful: with a mere wave of his hand, his Creation Magic had made massive skyscrapers of glistening glass; with a wave of his other, his Entropic Magic would swallow entire seas and sift them out of existence.

And, now, he was subservient to this wretch of a Witch. Sophia’s magic was powerful for a child, but it was nothing compared to Kostkron, even in his shattered form: he could find nothing but pity and disdain, for the broken brat he had been forced into.

Sophia’s Soul had become his unbreakable prison. Kostkron was code lurking within her, a puppet of a puppet, an AI whose data served as the strings which enslaved it.


And, so, that great, terrible Demon cried as he sat in his center of darkness. Kostkron wept and clawed at his hollow eyes, like a poor child spilling ice cream. Kostkron sat at the edge of Sophia’s Soul, and stabbed his fingers into his face as he filled his palms with tears.

His was a darkened humanoid shape, resembling the shadow entities mentioned in ghost stories. His eyes and mouth were simply gray gaps, with no tongue or teeth to speak of.

How fitting, for a Demon to become a shadow of his former self. Kostkron the Creator, the Demon once feared by Atrazan and God himself, could only linger on inside of this child, as a parasite meant to consume her from the inside out.

SO PATHETIC! THE LOWEST OF THE LOW! LOOK AT WHAT MY BRAVADO LED TO! DAMN IT ALL! I… I’m just trash. My dream… of finding someone to love… it’s all gone. I will always be alone. Even with all the power in the world… I’m so stupid, and pathetic… the Demon seethed, despising himself for his failures.

Kostkron felt as useless as a lone drop of water in a dehydrated man’s canteen; as useless as the last man on earth; as useless as a single snowflake drifting into the glowing maw of a volcano.

“HWAAAAAAGH!!! DAMN IT, DAAAAAAAAAAMN IT!!!” that beast raged, ripping into itself with uneven claws: there was no one, who would ever sate it, now. Kostkron’s regrets would stain him for all time. He would rot in this stupid girl’s Soul, until they were both broken by Tree Marrok.

Kostkron would consume Sophia’s Soul, against his own desires, and become a drone controlled by Tree Marrok, in order to fight against Heaven. The irony was merciless.

…That bastard, Jehovah… if he was holy, he wouldn’t let Sophia be used as an experiment for these Demon-summoning-and-fucking freaks. All this time I wasted, trying to find love, by destroying everything around me… so stupid…

Kostkron couldn’t even smile as he rose, staring up at a non-existent sky in his darkened slice of despair. His face was too broken to smile. He could only rip the sides of the hollow gap to the far ends of his dark face.

I’m just a shitstain, who’s going to consume a kid’s Soul against my own will, before turning into some God-killing-weapon by these shithole cultists. Heaven can’t be bothered… to save this child’s Soul, huh? Scum. Just like me. So be it. At least in death, I can finally punish Heaven for their sins… At least I can die knowing my corpse will be used to kill that bastard Jehovah…

Like a lone arrow of light slicing into a storm of darkness, a soft voice cut through his swelling sorrow.

“…I’m sorry, that they made you hurt like this, too, Sir Demon. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you,” a small voice spoke from behind Kostkron. He peered back to see a shaking being of light standing before him.

An image of Sophia stood there, shivering, but staring up at the Demon with compassion. Her slender pale body and pink sundress were both glowing with light.

Though her hair was black, here, within her Soul, it was a vibrant pink, loose and swaying down to the arch in her back. Sophia’s tiny face, with overlarge eyes and a high, small nose, scrunched up as she tried to explain herself.

That Witch’s voice sounded like an aria of baby birds chirping beside a bustling brook in a sacred forest grove, even as it stumbled, like rippling water tripping over rocks in a stream.

“I’m still young, but, I’m not like Tree M-Marrok, Sir Demon! I won’t abuse you, or mock you. I don’t think you’re a bad guy! You’re scary, and strong, but, you’re not bad, right?”

Sophia glanced away, biting her lip and hugging herself. Kostkron’s jaw dropped as he loomed above the chirping Witch child.

“I mean… we’ve been together for a month now, and you haven’t done anything to hurt me. W-We can be friends, right? I don’t want you to think, that I hate you. I’d really like to be your friend, Sir Demon!”

Sophia stomped her left foot and swung her head forward, closing her eyes as she held her arms out to her sides with her small fists clenched and shaking. It took every bit of bravery the child possessed to speak those words, and stare up at the beast.

What the fuck? How dumb are you? What a joke. The screams you made… when they put me inside of you… it hurt so damn much. It felt like your skin was unbreakable, but your insides kept exploding.

Pity could be found upon Kostkron’s face, as the Demon recalled Sophia’s screams from the surgery that merged him into her.

Your organs… ruptured so many times, because I was drilled into your Soul. H-How could you show me kindness? I’m a monster, that monsters stuffed inside of you. I… Kostkron seethed, gazing away from her, his gray, dents-for-eyes twitching with misery.

“I’m a loser. Shut up, girl. I can never be your friend. You could never love something as despicable as me, Sophia…” the Demon hissed, clutching its hands over its head once more, despising the sight of that bright child.

“…I’m sure you hate me, since I’m a prison to you. I apologize, Sir Demon… you should be free…” Sophia replied while clutching her hands in front of her stomach.

Kostkron’s eyes widened in amazement, knowing that Sophia was honest.

“I will try to make you free! I… I don’t want anyone in Iskyland Paradise to be a slave! I want everyone… to be able to be happy… But… I guess wanting something so impossible just makes me an idiot, doesn’t it?” Sophia whispered, tilting her head, and closing her miserable eyes.

“No one will ever love a heartless bastard like you, Kostkron!” horrid voices from the past clawed their way back into that Demon’s mind.

Any he met had instantly feared him. Strength was power in Hell. Strength was currency. Strength was fear. Kostkron was like a timid puppy’s Soul trapped in the body of a barbaric Hellhound. No one could look at that grinning, looming beast, and imagine love.

The broken Demon bent low, grasped that girl by her head, and ruffled her hair with a single, blunt claw, continuing to do so as she stared up at his wretched face in wonder.

Kostkron could do nothing to save that girl. However, he refused to let her dream be crushed by the trash that had enslaved them.

“Your dream is beautiful, Sophia. Don’t listen to those trash. Don’t let them mock your dream. You… don’t owe me an apology. do my best, to leave you alone… so you can be at peace, with whatever time you have left, before… we are both erased from this world entirely,” Kostkron whispered with earnest emotion.

He wanted to place her hair over her upper lip, and pretend it was a mustache; he wanted to let her rest on his belly, and wrap her in his arms until she fell asleep; he wanted to wipe her Soul clean of pain, and erase every bit of dirt staining her pristine form.

Sophia had committed quite the silly sin, in winning the heart of this Demon with her infinite kindness. Kostkron had finally found someone to love. The Soul he had cursed as his prison mere moments ago, had now become a grand palace beyond Heaven itself.

Thousands of Demons, and a select few Angels, had spat on Kostkron’s face; only this broken child had chosen to care for that bringer of chaos and entropy.

Such light, fluffy kindness. I love Sophia. I love her so much. I want to protect her… I want to see her laugh, and dance, and sing… Hahaha, is this how it feels, to wish to serve another? What a bitter joke.

Tree Marrok is so disgusting. Abon-Fen… the way he makes her scream with his damned searing spider-legs… Sophia doesn’t deserve that… Why… why do you have to suffer as I do, when you are so much greater than I, little one? At least I can understand why God hates and fears me. Why? Why couldn’t God choose to love you, Sophia?

Sophia’s eyes were like eternal spotlights shining out from her soft Soul, as they beamed up at the monster inside of her.

“…No, you don’t deserve to be alone. B-Being imprisoned, and Cursed… wasn’t what I wanted, but this is your Soul, now, too. I won’t reject you. You are welcome inside of my Soul, Sir Demon. Please… take whatever name you like, and live inside of me. I refuse to treat you as a slave. I don’t want… to rule over you,” that girl whispered, swallowing as she struggled to compose herself.

Sophia flinched, tears spurting out her eyes, and pressed her hand to her pink dress and heart.

All limiters preventing Kostkron from consuming Sophia were suddenly removed. Sophia had exposed her Soul to the Demon. Now, he could erase her from existence. Now, Kostkron could easily claim her body as his own, and dispose of her existence as if it was ash from a burnt-down ghost-town scattering into the wind. Tree Marrok hadn’t imagined Sophia would be stupid enough to eliminate the barrier that kept Kostkron from consuming her Soul, and hadn’t created any defensive measures to stop her from doing so.

Hell, Tree Marrok wanted him to consume her Soul in the first place… though, if Kostkron did so now, he would become free of their programming. Tree Marrok had not finished establishing his protocols and restricting him; if Kostkron consumed Sophia’s Soul in this moment, he would control her body, and be free to wreak havoc on their imprisoners.

At least half of his original power remained, more than enough to destroy all of Iskyland Paradise. Revenge tempted him like a snake dragging an apple against Eve’s tongue.

What kind of game is she playing? Is this a trap, by Marrok, or Abon-fen? THE HELL ARE YOU PLAYING AT? Kostkron raged, disgusted at both Sophia’s ignorance, and his own desire to consume her.

“I understand, that you might destroy me. But… I won’t allow you to live like this,” Sophia whispered, flinching as she witnessed the Demon’s disbelieving sneer.

Never had Kostkron looked at another being with such disdain. His eyes felt like they wanted to implode into themselves, as he watched the sputtering child sacrifice herself to him.

“You deserve to live, Sir Demon. I will not let my Soul imprison you. I would rather be erased, than have my Soul turn into a prison. I… know that Tree Marrok wants to kill God, using me. I… don’t want to be their tool. I would rather erase my own Soul, than serve them. None of this is your fault, Sir Demon. If only… excuse me. Please, live your life the way you wish to.”

Sophia paused, swallowing down every regret she had left, before placing her other hand over her heart as well, then nodding to affirm herself.

Pink eyes more willing to be erased than enslaved stared up into the abomination known as Kostkron the Creator, as Sophia Soft Song whispered, “I understand the choice I have made, and I will accept all the consequences it brings.”

Fury flew out from the Demon like an exploding boiling frog.

“…YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH! EVEN IF YOU’RE JUST A BRAT, YOU’RE A WITCH! YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN THIS!” Kostkron raged, slamming his fist down beside her twice, Sophia stammering back and forth of her bare feet as her Soul shook.

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!?! I CAN JUST EAT YOUR SOUL, NOW, YOU KNOW THAT, RIGHT!?!” he screamed, lifting the small, shaking Witch up into his trembling claws, entangling her limbs, and snarling in her terrified face, his roars knocking her hair back.

Kostkron’s rage ripped his eyes apart, black shadow leaking from his corrupted Soul as Sophia’s pink eyes trembled.


The sorrow in her voice somehow outweighed the terrific, heartbreaking fear as that girl forced her great pink eyes open. “I-I’m sorry, Sir Demon…” Sophia sputtered, Kostkron grumbling and easing his grip on her.

“You just sounded so sad, inside of my Soul. Every sob sounded like your heart was breaking. You hated living so much, and you couldn’t die, so… I could feel it hurting you more and more… and, I…”

Sophia’s crying pink eyes were like knives of lightning stabbing into his shattered Soul, and their tears were like holy water sliding into him and mending him, as she seethed, “I don’t want you to feel like that. I’m sorry, that it’s a stupid reason, Sir Demon. I just don’t want to see you cry.”

God and Atrazan were weak fools: they could not defeat Kostkron. His Entropic and Creation Magic were simply too powerful. As far as Kostkron was concerned, the only being from history, who could defeat the Demon at his full power, was the Lemurian Mage who had created the Witch City of Iskyland Paradise, Thoth.

Tree Marrok had obtained Kostkron, because his Magic Attributes were so well suited to fight against Jehovah’s Creation, Light, and Spatial Magic.

So, it was endlessly amusing, that a Cursed nine-year-old had defeated Kostkron this easily. Only this prepubescent, prattle-mouth Witch had ever shown the nerve to stand up to him. That Demon’s heart broke as he realized Sophia had chosen to put his pain before her own fear. It was ignorance bathed in the purest kindness.

Why? Why in the hell aren’t you lying? Kostkron thought.

Sophia Soft Song was willing to erase herself from existence to save the broken Demon. That spectacular kindness crushed so much of Kostkron’s rage, and replaced it with love.

“…You’re so stupid… you’re the dumbest… Sophia… You’re the worst fool in the whole damn world…” Kostkron whimpered, crashing to his knees, and releasing the girl onto her feet, as if he were placing a baby duck into a stream.

Sophia gulped, wrinkled her lips, then shrugged, squatted down, pulled some of the Demon’s puddles of tears into her hands, and began drinking the disgusting draught down. The Demon’s bizarre desires were drenched into his ashen gray tears.

Kostkron gagged. Even if the tears were just a magical representation of the feelings in their combined Soul, it was still disgusting to drink those magical phantasms.

Sophia slapped her lips together while wincing for a moment, then rolled her eyes as if she were a wine sommelier. Kostkron groaned as the cute, but slightly stupid Witch child spat out his tears, “Uwwwuuhhhhblehhh”, before dragging her nails against her tongue. Then, her pink eyes blinked wide with wonder.

“…Oh… you just wanted someone to love you? You were lonely, Sir De… Sir Kostkron. You felt cold and hopeless, and, learned to love me, even though I’m so weak and annoying,” Sophia whispered, biting her lips and beginning to hum as she read his feelings.

The slim, humming Witch’s perplexed face made it clear that Sophia had not foreseen this turn of events, and wasn’t sure how to proceed.

If Kostkron could blush, he certainly would have, the beast trembling in embarrassment upon hearing the young girl speak of his deepest desires with honest understanding. His spine arched and shuddered like a cat making a splash-landing back-first into a puddle of ice water.

God fucking damn it, now Sophia will think I’m some pedo-Demon freak, when I just want some companionship! I barely have a sex drive, I just want friends! People always assume the worst about me, and think I’m going to hurt them, when I just want to either be loved, or left alone, damn it! FUCK! Why do I ever bother to try to do anything nice at all, FUCK FUCK FUCK-

Sophia’s smile was brighter than the sun as she threw her head forward, nodded twice, closed her eyes, and sang, “Then I’ll love you, okay!? I’ll be your family! You don’t have to be sad! I’ll love you forever, as your sister! You’re stuck inside of me, right? That means we’re already family! So, don’t cry, Kostkron! Smile, okay?! You won’t be alone anymore! We’ll be together, forever!”

Sophia denied despair with every bit of the kindness inside of her bleeding Soul. Sophia was suffering. His very existence within the Witch was ripping her Soul apart. The only difference, was that Sophia had refused to given up, even without hope.

Even if she had no reason to hope herself, Sophia would still reach down, and offer out her hand, if someone needed her help. No matter how many times it hurt her. No matter how many times it filled her with regret. No matter if everyone she had ever loved was either stolen from her… even if the people she loved stabbed her in the back and sentenced her down into Hell.

That Witch would reject the evil her society had sewed into her, and reach high into the sky, no, fly through the sky itself, in order to become someone better. Someone who could lift others alongside herself.

Absolute validation ripped through the Demon’s ego more harshly and swiftly than any agent of Heaven could manage. All of the power he had sought was utterly meaningless. It was never going to give him what he wanted. This cursed, weak, broken girl, was infinitely stronger than he was.

Sophia, even after losing so much, still possessed the most valuable emotion in the world: love. And, without thinking twice, she had given it to him. Not out of pity. Not out of fear. Not out of personal desire. Simply, to love someone else. Sophia had offered her Soul to him, purely for the sake of making another feel good.

That hilarious, adorable Witch didn’t need any sophistry, any God, any King or Lord, any bribe to convince her to do so. To Sophia, the act of helping a crying person was as sensible as the act of breathing.

Kostkron felt himself yearn to become someone else as empathy for that broken little girl bled into him, as if his heart had been dammed, only to suddenly burst open.

She would even call me her family, after all my shrieking threats. My life is not a tragedy. I deserve this suffering. You are the one who is tragic. You are the one who should be saved. WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE SO MUCH POWER, AND JUST LEAVE INNOCENT CHILDREN LIKE YOU ALONE TO ROT IN THE DARK? WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?!? Fury ripped Kostkron apart.

Sophia gulped, backing up as Kostkron reared back and screamed like the night eating itself, ripping his body apart with his own two hands, his skin and flesh of broken magic writhing like serpents of shadow in his manic claws. His own sin, the sin of Tree Marrok: he did not discriminate, breaking it all.

The Demon used Sophia’s gift of freedom, to destroy the monster he was. So much of his power was shed in that moment, leaving him 1/10th his original strength, but he cared not. The sneering loner known as Kostkron the Creator, needed to be reshaped into something better.

I’m sick of it. Screw my useless ego. Why be all the horrible things I’ve been, when this girl is so much better? Why hate, destroy, boast, and brag, when I could love, like her? I love her so much. Sophia Soft Song…

Sophia blinked once in fascination as Kostkron’s looming finger descended onto her, wiping a tear from her eye, feeling a tiny drop of Sophia’s light shine inside of him, as if he were a broom closet, and Sophia was a disco ball brighter than a sun blaring inside of him.

Her Soul is so warm. Aaaaahhhhh. This is love, isn’t it? Yes. This is what I wanted. I wanted my love to make someone else happy. This unbound joy, that covers you like a thick blanket. So sweet. Her Soul is so sweet. I will never consume the slightest sliver of you. I will love every part of you, nurture every part of you, Sophia Soft Song.

Sophia stared in wonder at what remained of the Demon: a smirking, perfect mimic of herself. The innocent Witch blinked and held out her hand at her shape that Kostkron had taken, the shape the Demon had come to love above all else. The lone difference was that her doppelganger’s dress and hair were black as night, in comparison to the bright pink of Sophia.

The Demon smiled with Sophia’s stolen lips.

I will become what I love, then. I will become a part of you, forever. I will become Sophia Soft Song, and love her until the end of time. No… beyond that. I will destroy entropy itself, so that I may love this girl for all eternity.

The twisted code making up the Demon rebelled against its programming, merging with that whom it was supposed to mar.

Kostkron’s programmed purpose was to destroy Sophia’s Soul, and overtake her body, over time, to be used as a weapon against Heaven itself.

Now, he would serve as her eternal guardian, and Exalt her Soul above all else. For her silly sin of offering her Soul to a Demon out of mindless kindness, that Demon would serve Sophia with all they could be.

“…M-May I enter your Soul, Sophia? So… I can become your sister?” the Demon asked, bowing her stolen head as the pink Witch before her smiled wide, and nodded. The Demon didn’t hesitate, spinning behind the girl, and grasping at her long, pink hair.

“Um…?” Sophia whispered, her pink eyes blinking as she felt her veil of hair slip onto, then into the Demon, consuming the white and black beast, while the Demon’s arms wrapped around Sophia’s stomach.

Hot pink stabbed into darkness, melding it and mending the gooey chaos into the bright white, like marshmallow baking into a hot slab of chocolate and overflowing over it. There was no dominance here.

Welcome! Sophia’s Soul sang. I’m glad! Now, we can get to know all about each other! Sophia accepted all of the evil and sin and washed it away with a child’s earnest optimism. No God could have ever made Kostkron feel like that. Only a humble, modest girl, who simply wished to do her best, could have shown him his arrogant, short-sighted follies.

Pink light shimmered all around that Demon, Sophia’s hair ensnaring her like a butterfly’s wings. Finally. She had found the love the craved, a love she only wished to nurture, never consume.

Within and without. Darkness and light. Chaos and harmony. Angel and Demon. Hatred and love. All of those contradictions spun against each other and hummed with gentle delight.

The nine-year-old’s limbs twitched as she intrinsically swallowed Kostkron, whose form began to loosen. Sophia’s pink eyes widened, like she was realizing all of the soda was hitting their bladder just at the movie’s climax. Before the Witch knew what was happening, the Demon had disappeared into her body, sloshing around in Sophia’s Soul like syrup slipping into a snowcone.

Sophia had taken the 2nd Greatest Sin of Iskyland Paradise, and turned them into her greatest ally.

That Demon embraced Sophia’s glowing, humming, toe-tingling, warm Soul with every fiber of her insane intellect, bathing in Sophia Soft Song like a tree soaking in sunlight at high noon. Her Creation Magic Exalted Sophia as it climbed against her distorted DNA, healing both her Soul and the unconscious body it was connected to.

Gods, Demons, Witches, Warlocks, let them all rot. Those fools would never be allowed to consume this child, now that this beast had become her guardian.

I am the dark, dissonant keys layered in between your clean, shining white kindness. I am the black piano wood eclipsing your white keys from the audience’s sight, so that my back may shield you for all time. So, in honor of the light that gave my darkness meaning, my name shall be:

“Piano White. That is what you may call me, my Creator,” Piano White’s voice resonated inside of Sophia’s Soul, shocking the young Witch. It was so similar to Sophia’s, yet so much murkier and full of mischief.

Piano White spun out from Sophia’s hair like the Demon she was, melding into Wind, and then reflecting Light within that Wind to produce an illusion of Sophia.

“So be it. I accept you fully. You are a good form to take. A girl hated equally by Heaven and Hell, because she is so full of love… I will become like you. I will admire, and love, and praise, you. You are the only one, who showed me why it was better to love, Sophia. Gods and Devils are so far beneath you.

“I understand now. The brittle kindness of an innocent child… is worth far more than the arrogance of power-hungry scum like me. I repay my debts. I shall love you for all time, Sophia Soft Song, as your humble companion, your big sister, the Demon AI Ghost, Piano White.”

Piano smiled, pink tears leaking down her eyes as she felt love for the first time in her entire life. A trembling white hand pressed against Sophia’s heart, amazed at the soft strength it possessed.

“I shall be more than sword, more than shield, more than gun, more than bomb, more than exploding stars vomiting radiation into the cosmos to bake the surfaces of planets. I will be the entropy that reduces your enemies to nothing. Bless you, Sophia. Your love is so sweet. All that seek to stain your sweet Soul… I will end them beyond repair.”

Piano giggled as Sophia slowly scratched her pink hair while poking at her chest, getting used to the sensation. It felt like someone had Teleported a satin suit under her skin, and it was trying to dance around on its own.

“…Heehee, Piano White, hmmm? Well, that all sounds a bit crazy, but… I’m glad that you seem a lot happier, now! Piano is a pretty name…” Sophia replied, rubbing her stomach with slight concern, amazed at how… pleasant the Demon felt.

“…So, when you say love me… you mean, as friends, right?” Sophia added, blushing as she gulped and stroked her pink hair. Aria, Sophia’s mother, had always warned her that all Demons were inherently horny, mindlessly incestuous, and unable to control their urges (though this was actually racist lies, as Kostkron was still a virgin, and had little interest in sex).

Sophia’s first fear had been being eaten alive, and having her Soul consumed and erased. It was only now that the Witch realized the nasty potential implications of declaring her love for a Demon.

Sophia was nine-years-old. Even if Witches were much, MUCH more sexually liberal than humans, Sophia wasn’t ready to kiss anyone, let alone… do whatever a Demon might be interested in. Even if a Demon declared themselves her sister, the Demon could still desire sex from her, a terrifying prospect.

Sophia had underestimated her new Soulmate. Piano White’s form snapped into black, all white leaving her; the only other color staining that twisted-half-existence was pink, her eyes, lips, and hair bleeding pink magic out as if it were blood. The Witch had never witnessed such seething fury, feeling her own Soul grow hot and irritated as a dissonant, metallic, guttural screech emerged from Piano’s throat.

“Fen. Feeeeeeeen. How dare that Marrok bastard rape you, rape my savior, my Sophia. Marrok… I’ll cull you… all of you…” Piano hissed, her fingers stabbing into her scalp as she smirked with sinister rage.

“…Ahem,” Piano coughed as Sophia began slowly backing away with concerned, wide eyes.

“Never again. If Abon-fen tries to stick his filthy dick in you, I’ll disintegrate it. Fuck it. Fuck anyone who can look at a beautiful child like you, and see a sex toy. All of them… everyone who’s allowed this cycle to exist… Heaven, Hell, Iskyland Paradise… I’ll knock them all out of the sky, so you can fly free, my Sophia.”

“…P-Piano…” Sophia whispered, that small girl gulping, then gritting her teeth as sparkling pink tears spewed out from her eyes.

“…But, I must admit… I do love you, Sophia. But… I… I don’t…” the Demon mimic blushed, feeling shame and guilt.

Piano White wanted to love Sophia platonically until the end of time, without any physical interaction. Kostkron had wanted love, not sex, and Piano was the same. Still… wasn’t that disgusting? Could Piano’s love really help this singing Witch? Was the familial love of a broken, fake Demon worth anything to begin with? Wasn’t Piano’s very love itself a horrible sin?

Sophia sensed this unease and closed her eyes, sticking her index fingers against the sides of her pink-haired-head. “Mmmm… Soul-Link… GO!” Her eyes burst open as she used their newfound Soul-Link to telepathically communicate with her Demon sister.

Awwww, look at her! It’s so fun to watch Sophia smile… Piano questioned with her black fingertips meeting her pink lips, as her host began spinning in a circle, Sophia’s humming intensifying. It looked like she was about to start spinning off the ground, like a cow being abducted by aliens.

“Oh, I get it! You love me like a sister, too! You… just love me so much, that you want to stay with me forever, as family! Awwww, you want to protect me, Piano! Thank you, big sis!”

Piano blushed so hard her whole body turned pink as Sophia nodded, before hugging the Demon with free, gentle arms.

“My little heart was beating fast, for a second there. I may be smart, since I’m a Witch, but… I’m still just a kid, ya know!” Sophia stated, blowing hair out their faces and giggling.

I am going to mother the fucking hell out of this child, Piano White seethed with delirious amounts of over-protective-maternal-affection.

“Phew, great nibbling crickets, I was trembling… I’m glad I trusted you… Hehehe, sis! Thank you, for loving me, and not hating me, Piano White. It… means more to me than I… c-can say…” Sophia’s smiling face broke for a moment. It was so unfair. No child should look like that.

Piano White was filled with unlimited rage as she felt Sophia’s pain stab into her.

Fuck killing God, Piano White thought as that tiny girl trembled in her mimicking arms. I should have used my power to save people like you, Sophia. I would have felt so much love… if I had use all this power, to make people like you laugh, instead.

The pink eyes of a small child, who had been failed so many times, began to cry as they felt gentle affection cradle them.

“I will change it. This place, that destroyed your family. This horrible, fake, floating utopia, this Iskyland Paradise… I will make it what you wish it to be. Not because I want to own you, or fuck you. No. Only because I love you. You gave me everything, while asking for nothing. I require nothing more from you. I want to give you the world. I will help you save the world you love so much. That will be my gift to you, the girl who saved my Soul, Sophia Soft Song.”

Piano’s words coiled around Sophia’s Soul like piano-wire, slicing the Witch’s chains of doubt and pain away. Piano consumed it all. Piano stood as still as a microphone stand as Sophia held her and wailed into her.

The Conceptual Entropic Magic Piano possessed was easily able to destroy a young girl’s sorrow, if cast directly into her Soul.

“I love you, Piano. Bless you. You aren’t a Demon. You are my angel. You… bless you, for giving me hope. You’re right! We will change it!” Sophia’s soft sing-song-voice flowed through Piano White’s mind like a flock of sheet music sailing through the sky.

The strongest Witch in Iskyland Paradise had secured her freedom from Tree Marrok’s prison, by loving one damned beyond all. Sophia’s love was weak, and soft, but, that was okay. The “weakness” of that girl was capable of moving the hearts and minds of Gods and Demon Lords. So, Piano could not hold back tears, as that being of disgusting, wretched sin was accepted without judgment.

“Thank you for saving my Soul, Sophia Soft Song.”

This is not a love story of a child and a Demon. This was the tale of a monster’s Soul being saved by a broken bird, and that monster then spitting into the sky with sprawling spite, to break that beautiful bird’s cage.

“I will never scar and harm you. As your big sister, I will find you a lover who deserves you devotion. I won’t rest… until your Soul is full of bubbly, snuggly love, Sophia. That is how you deserve to feel.”

Even after five years spent together, Sophia Soft Song had never convinced Piano White how beautiful her smile was in the moment she said the kindest words her lips had ever known:

“You deserve to live a life full of endless love, Sophia!”


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Hello and welcome to the voting phase of the tourney!

We have 5 great submissions for you to read and vote on!

Good luck to all entries!

Entry 5 is in post number 3!!!

I'm the strongest, everyone knows
but fucking lonesome comes this road
Sitting at the top, everyone below
The pleasure, the vanity, long time gone

new challenges waiting for me ?
new person that I can be ?
a new hope to change my life
but no goals in plain sight

I don't know anything else
Born and raised to fight, mindless
But i can't go on like this
I need to find again the bliss

That life wasn't without goodies
Without wines, girls, victories
It was fun to be the best
For my enemies the hell fest

Okay, it's time to move
The tiger goes back to dove
Take the risk and throw it all
To leave my crown and enjoy

It's decided, I'll let it go
Tomorrow I begin piano

The familiar icy touch embraced me
Leaving a feeling of indescribable peace
One of no worries to dwell upon

Soft bells rang in the distance
Timely intervals marked each set of rings
As Order took charge of the mysterious land

A lady's singing could be heard overhead
Eerie but angelic
Sweet melodies in a tongue I could not decipher

A quiet forest lay ahead of me
Colored with brilliant hues of green
Golden light peeking through each delicate leaf

The End was on the other side.

As I embarked inside, the stillness overtook me

What had I done this time?

A thick fog surrounded me
Greens faded into grays
The leaves fell and the trees rotted
Light was replaced by darkness
The lady's song was now nothing more than shrieks and screams
The bells clanged with disarray and Chaos

Louder, and louder, and louder, and louder
Louder and louder and louder and louder

My soul succumbing to madness...

Until it stopped.

Artificial lights poured into view as strange masked people held me
I could only wail in horror
For I was forced to live out a nightmare once more.

On a day like any other, I sit here with my own thoughts, trying to delve deep within the self.

What does it mean that one day is like the other, it surely isn't like the day before. However all the mundane tasks you do every day, and going to the same job meeting your colleagues is a repeating occurrence, doesn't mean it was just the same as the last time. Within all of the familiar every day stuff, new things happen, different variations of the same things, making it not really the same. But like all things, days will come to an end, bringing down the curtains for yet another played act.

As you look up at the starry night sky, greeting the moon and the constellations, you feel the tiredness grow. You will go to sleep, and have dreams, perhaps remind yourself of something you need to do. But once you've opened your eyes again, everything is the same, but different. The self you was yesterday is no more, for now you are yourself today. Each and every life you live will be a slightly different one, until you recall a distant past where your current life is hardly unrecognisable.

The sun burned bright behind Zoro’s closed eyelids, the ship’s mast at his back an uncomfortable headrest as he napped. On the fore deck, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper played with a colourful beach ball, while Robin and Brook lounged on a set of deck chairs nearby. All was well aboard the Sunny, the sounds of merriment and laughter filled the air, carrying over a salty breeze and gently lapping sea. Until…

“AIIIEEEEE!!” Nami’s shrill cry pierced the air, turning every head on the ship towards her where she stood, watering her beloved tangerine trees. Zoro’s eyes flew open at once, his hand reaching instinctively towards his swords, prepared to defend the crew from any threat.

“Get it away! Get it away!” Nami squealed, batting furiously at one of the trees, and Zoro scowled, his hand falling limply to his side. Muttering a curse under his breath, he climbed unsteadily to his feet and made his way over to the redheaded navigator, prepared to chastise her for interrupting his nap.

“Zoro!” Nami yelped and rushed towards him as he ascended the stairs to the upper deck. “My trees! They’re going to destroy my babies! You have to get them off!”

“Huh?” Zoro’s good eye squinted at the tangerine trees, still in perfect health, with fat orange fruits hanging from each branch. Nothing at all seemed amiss, but Nami was adamant.

“Look!” she cried, grabbing both of Zoro’s shoulders. “Ugh, why do men have to be so blind!? There’s caterpillars on the leaves! They’re everywhere!”

Zoro blinked and he moved towards the trees for a closer look. Sure enough, plump green caterpillars clung to some of the leaves, enjoying a sumptuous feast. Long and many-legged, the caterpillars left ugly pockmarks in the leaves, oozing a translucent slime that glistened under the light.

“Nami! I got the bug spray!” Chopper hopped up and down, brandishing a canister of insect repellant. Nami snatched the can from his tiny hand and aimed the nozzle directly towards the caterpillars, preparing to spray-

“Oi, stop!” Zoro planted himself between Nami and the bugs, spreading both arms to prevent her from reaching around his broad torso. “Don’t kill them! I’ll get them out of here.”

“What are you doing?” Nami watched, puzzled, as Zoro disappeared into the ship’s kitchen, emerging with a large empty glass jar. Patiently, delicately, Zoro plucked each caterpillar from her trees, placing them into the jar where they writhed and wriggled in a squirming green mass.

“How fascinating.” Robin appeared behind Nami and Chopper, drawn by the sudden commotion. “We must have picked them up from the last island somewhere. These ones seem harmless, but I’ve heard some species of caterpillar are poisonous and can cause serious allergic reactions in humans.”

“Poisonous, you say?” Brook tapped his cane on the deck. “Sounds scary enough to make my skin crawl… If I had any skin to begin with, that is! Yohohoho!”

“You can’t play with them, can you?” Luffy asked his archaeologist. “If only we’d picked up something fun instead, like horned beetles. Then Usopp, Chopper and me could make ‘em wrestle.”

Zoro ignored his crewmates as he screwed the lid tightly on the jar, trapping the last of the caterpillars inside. Careful not to spill them over the deck, he carried the jar towards Usopp’s Pop Green plantation, releasing the caterpillars into the loamy soil beds.

“Oh hey, that’s actually a good idea.” Usopp stroked his chin. “Some of the carnivorous plants could use a mid-afternoon snack.”

Nami wrinkled her nose. “I still think we should’ve just sprayed them all. Now some of Usopp’s plants are gonna be chewed on too.”

“Nah leave ‘em.” Zoro told her. “They’re supposed to be part of a healthy eco-whatsit. That’s what I was told anyway.”

“Never thought I’d hear that from Marimo.” Sanji smirked, poking his head out from behind the kitchen door. “Didn’t think he had the brains to figure out something like that.”

Robin chuckled quietly as Zoro’s ears reddened. “It seems we all learned much while we were away for two years.”

“Hmph.” Zoro folded his arms and looked away, attempting to hide the red flush spreading across his cheeks.

“I suppose we did.”

Zoro grunted with exertion as he lowered a large wooden crate to the ground, the box’s contents emitting a loud clinking sound as he did. Wiping the sweat streaming down his brow, Zoro pulled a metal canteen from his sash and downed a large gulp of water, wishing, in vain, that it had been sake instead. Out of corner of his eye, he noticed Perona floating a few paces behind him, a skull-patterned parasol in one hand, a jar of homemade sangria in the other. Perona’s large eyes darted back and forth as she surveyed the area around them, a wide expanse of soil and dirt from which a few scattered plants had sprung.

“This place is boring.” Perona declared at last, playing with the cubed fruit at the bottom of her drink. “Why did we even come here? We could be at home watching the monkeys try to learn the piano right now.”

“You’re the one that decided to come watch my training.” Zoro reminded the Ghost Princess. “Besides, the monkeys are terrible. They just bang on the keys and make a huge din.”

“Yeah, but they’re trying!” Perona countered. “One day, they’re gonna learn how to play all the creepy songs I like. Just you wait and see.”

“All you do is annoy me and Hawk-Eyes by making smartass comments on my training.” Zoro complained. “And speaking of training, what kind of training is this? All I’ve done today is unload these crates from the boat; I haven’t even touched my swords at all!”

“Patience, Roronoa. Your wounds have yet to heal from our last spar after all.” Perona and Zoro turned to see the world’s strongest swordsman enter the clearing from the shadowy forest behind them.

“Oh so you’re worried about my injuries are you?” Zoro crossed his arms over his chest skeptically. “You could’ve just let me rest at home then, instead of making me run your little errands.”

Mihawk raised a brow. “We only have two years to train, do we not? I merely assumed you did not wish to remain idle. Now come, Roronoa. Remove the lids from each crate and place the contents on the ground.”

Zoro followed his master’s instructions, grumbling quietly to himself. The crates were filled with glass jars, each containing a single green caterpillar or earthworm. Zoro recognised them as fish bait, available at any market or port town, though for the life of him, he couldn’t fathom what Hawk-Eyes wanted to do with them so far inland. He watched, baffled, as Mihawk unscrewed each jar lid, tipping the wriggling creatures onto the dirt and watching them crawl hurriedly away.

“Well that was a huge waste of time and money.” Zoro watched the last of the earthworms burrow into the dirt and out of sight. “I thought we were gonna use them to go fishing or something. Instead you went and threw away all that quality bait.”

Mihawk pinched the bridge of his nose, silently reminding himself that berating his apprentice for his simple-mindedness was a lost cause. “This is training, Roronoa. Think about what the purpose of this exercise might be.”

“Oh, I know!” Perona interjected. “Caterpillars are super gross. Not cute at all. You’re still mad at me for making sangria out of your wine, and you’re still mad at Marimo for not telling you.”

Both swordsmen paid her no mind, causing Perona to puff her cheeks indignantly. “Dunno.” Zoro scratched the back of his neck. “Nothing really comes to mind. Can I get a hint?”

“Look around, Roronoa. What do you see?”

Zoro glanced around, taking in the brownish-red soil beneath his boots, the sloping hills of Kuraigana in the distance, the rusted remnants of weapons half-buried in the dirt.

“Umm… an old battlefield, I guess.” Zoro mumbled. “Is this important? I thought this whole place was basically a war zone before you moved in.”

“It is… for now.” Mihawk stooped low, catching a handful of earth between his fingers. “One day, this place will be an orchard. Butterflies will pollinate the plants, ensuring a yearly harvest of fruit. Corpses and ash from the war have enriched the soil here. The worms will loosen the earth, making it ideal for planting and tilling. That is what I see.”

“Right...” Zoro suppressed a sigh, secretly frustrated by his master’s tendency to speak in inscrutable metaphors. “And this relates to my training… how, exactly?”

“Geez, you’re so stupid.” Perona stuck her tongue out. “I totally get it, you’re just the slowest one here, as usual.”

“If you’re so damn smart, why don’t you just explain it already?”

“W-well…” Perona began to stammer, unused to her bluff being called. “Y-you see, what he meant was… uh…”

“It is important to visualise one’s eventual goal,” Mihawk interrupted her mid-sentence. “Imagine the level of strength you wish to achieve, and work backwards to understand what must be done. It is not enough to blindly lift weights or swing your sword without an endgame in mind, particularly when our time here is limited.”

“Huh.” Zoro nodded, slowly beginning to understand. “Although I imagine that’d be faster if you stopped dropping crumbs and actually showed me all you were capable of, Master.”

“Such cheek.” Mihawk’s lips quirked briefly. “You are unprepared for what you would see, Roronoa. I would not wish to discourage you from pursuing your dream so early.”

“You think being outclassed would make me wanna give up? Fat chance!” Zoro grinned. “But alright. I’ll keep getting stronger, and one day you’ll have to go all out on me, or else you’ll lose! That’s the goal I’m gonna have in mind from now on.”

Mihawk’s lips quirked again - too wide for a smirk - the first time Perona had ever seen him smile.

“I look forward to it, Roronoa.”


Thin, emerald veins snaked along the length of the chrysalis, the skin pale and translucent, almost pulsating with life. Perona peered at the row of cocoons hanging from the young cherry tree’s branches, licking her lips at the thought of the first fruit in spring. The butterflies would soon emerge to greet the blossoms, bathing the burgeoning orchard in a sea of whites yellows and pinks. Humming cheerfully to herself, Perona floated down from the treetops, watching a family of Humandrills diligently ploughing the ground under Mihawk’s strict direction.

“The cherry saplings seem to be coming along,” he said by way of greeting. “It’s a shame Roronoa will not be present for the harvest.”

“No it’s not. Means more for us!” Perona laughed, anticipating her next batch of fresh sangria, the deep bitter taste of Mihawk’s wine enhanced by notes of ripe young fruit. “Fine wine is totally wasted on Marimo - he’d drink toilet water if it had a high enough alcohol content.”

“His taste is not dissimilar to Red-Hair in that sense.” Mihawk agreed. “Unfortunately, Red-Hair can at least boast of having superior swordsmanship and Haki. Roronoa possesses neither.”

“Aw, you’re being too hard on him. He’s come a long way,” Perona teased. “You know, the first time you brought us here, I was half expecting you to say that the caterpillars represented Marimo, and through your training he would be reborn as a beautiful butterfly. If anything, he’d be a big, ugly moth. Not cute enough for a butterfly.

“Some claim that a swordsman’s training resembles that process. That training requires ill habits to die; for an instructor to destroy their apprentice’s ego so that they may be more amenable to instruction.”

“Ugh.” Perona rolled her eyes. “You’re really good at sucking the fun out of everything, you know that?”

Her exasperation only seemed to amuse Mihawk, and his distinctive eyes twinkled with mirth as he cast his gaze over the land. Formerly a battlefield, a desolate wasteland devoid of light and life, the orchard thrummed now with activity, the crisp night breeze punctuated by the chirps and grunts of curious Humandrills. The chrysalises on the trees seemed to glow, luminous, beneath the moonlight, repeating the promise of rebirth, for the land of Kuraigana to thrive in the wake of destruction. For the once-solitary swordsman, the promise of a brighter tomorrow, anticipation for reunions with an old rival and a headstrong apprentice began to stir warmth in his heart once more.

Perhaps he too could learn to live again.

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