Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

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smoothie already showcase she can send flying slash even bigger than zoro, so it's just really stupid how jinbe left unscathed let alone escape.
it's just plot armor from oda nothing more
And Jinbei a freaking fish man. IN THE OCEAN!! ERMAGAHD Air slashes that Carrot can dodge what will I do? Lmaooo

Hes more likely to sink their ships then they are to catch him with freaking air slashes that must then travel underwater to hit him lol
Instead of chitchatting, they could of try saving Momonuske.

And Jinbei coming back seemingly unscathed further solidify just how much of a sad joke Big Mom is.
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man....i guess as long as you're fish man your and fighting near water you are safe from any danger and even yonko, that's why your island doesn't need any protection from a mere yonko like whitebeard, wait....

seriously this one piece fanbase is so reek of blind fanboyism, they Always find excuses to justify dodgy writing from their favorite author, just admit if your GODA made same silly choice and move on, one piece is not going to be a garbage manga just because of some shit writing here and there, it's still the best of the big 3.
Man, it’s almost like Jinbe can fully utilize the ocean to get away from Big Mom while she can’t because she’s a DF user and there’s only so much she can do. If only Jinbe could use his abilities as a fishman and escape, and if only we’ve seen him use other abilities to help people who couldn’t swim well, like, for instance, calling whale sharks to escort them.

But no, that makes too much sense, so I think we should all bitch about something that we don’t even know the details of.

On a serious note, we finally have someone with the alliance (Jinbe) that can actually take on Queen, as opposed to making exaggerations about a guy that couldn’t beat even Page One with a power up.
Jinbei staying behind and sacrificing himself (together with Germa and the other Sun pirates) in order to let the SHs escape has been a major plot point of WCI.

It's not about the way Oda could justify an escape.

It's that there was such a seemingly convenient way out in the first place, which doesn't fit the "Jinbei sacrifices himself" theme at all.
Here he stands, smiling and in perfect health condition. Appearing out of nowhere in just the right moment.

This massively downgrades the entire ending of WCI by default. It also lowers the stakes - which weren't feeling that high to begin with - even more, since nobody even feels the slightest threat anymore. It has really become a "happy, go lucky" type of adventure, where you just know there will be no consequences for the main characters and their closest friends.
And Jinbei a freaking fish man. IN THE OCEAN!! ERMAGAHD Air slashes that Carrot can dodge what will I do? Lmaooo

Hes more likely to sink their ships then they are to catch him with freaking air slashes that must then travel underwater to hit him lol
And Jinbei a freaking fish man. IN THE OCEAN!! ERMAGAHD Air slashes that Carrot can dodge what will I do? Lmaooo

Hes more likely to sink their ships then they are to catch him with freaking air slashes that must then travel underwater to hit him lol
luffy has the same plot armor as jimbe bcause he is the mc, imagine how stupid it sounds: if you are in yonko territory and being surrounded by their full crew you can escape just fine if you just go swaw down to the sea.
I wont argue plot armor. But I personally only deem something plot armor when logic and plausibility are sacrificed for an outcome.

Jinbei the fishman surviving a yonko's territory is a stretch on land. But in the Ocean? Thats him and his crews domain. Thats where he's gonna shine the brightest and have the best chance of survival.

The Going Merry showing up to save the SH's at Enies Lobby. THAT plot armor and some ole bullshit.
Execution means how you actually tie your themes into the story. How you write the actual story around that theme, how all the events in an arc work together, how you develop your characters based on that theme and how the finale and conclusion of the arc works.

Togashi's chimera ant arc is an almost perfect arc in every aspect (themes, execution and character development). The only OP saga that comes close to that is the Water7/Enies Lobby saga.
you sure re read the arc please then it doesnt work together its a typically one dimensional shounen story most of the story can be skipped too much talking the revenge for Kite is annoying the MC has no real purpose then revenge he takes on this task due to take revenge which character development all characters got just stronger nothing

In short of the arc we have awakened monsters who build up followers and "eat" people for gaining strength than an association who opposes that its typical power ranger its just looks to us good because of the music played and the whole stretched dialogue

For example Dressrosa you have a trickery gangster who tricks the people into worshipping him and then he uses his devasting might to crush the good people and gets applauded to it he uses his brain rather than just pure strength
creates a country where the strong live and weak die uses his connection (again brain) to build a network of black-market trading and provide the world with all the needs they have
In midst of this, the MC comes a challenge him due to his own selfish desire yet starts to work with the citizens yet the villan makes the citizens against the good people again this time due to his power and psycho games
And despite the people betray the good guys they keep on fighting and win in the end
Plus this event effects the whole world
Kaido an emperor got caught off guard
Kingdoms who were provided by it lose power or any means to continue the war they fight
Also it connects to Zou Jack incident that again helped them to gain more allies for wano and Zou is connected to WCI

The play of ph-dressrosa and wano is perfect working its scale is just much much much bigger than the puny chimera ant arc

I admit due to the scale people sometimes cant see how fantastic OP really is but also the anime is an factor while people downgrade

Be it character, be it execution, be it the story lines overlapping perfectly or themes in every aspect HXH loses

The difference is the effort the mangaka puts in Togashi is an asshole he has the mainstream idea that his story is for smart people and thus hxh seems like apart from other shounen mangas but if you read it again you see stretching dialouges , repeating the most common and simple information in a long stretch way

So we cant really compare an ant to an giant

One Piece is globally you have so many characters so much lay out so much stories if OP ends Oda could still write side stories for 100 years it has so much potential

Berserk is excellent but its 1D in his own feudal time its perfect even more exciting than the OP
For JoJo we both have mutal consens
But for HxH I cant accept it I also read it everywhere its just headcanon to assume HxH>OP when OP is in a different universe
man....i guess as long as you're fish man your and fighting near water you are safe from any danger and even yonko, that's why your island doesn't need any protection from a mere yonko like whitebeard, wait....

seriously this one piece fanbase is so reek of blind fanboyism, they Always find excuses to justify dodgy writing from their favorite author, just admit if your GODA made same silly choice and move on, one piece is not going to be a garbage manga just because of some shit writing here and there, it's still the best of the big 3.
Not every fighter is df user......
Stop you genius.....Jimbei didn't defeat Bigmom....he just escaped from Bigmom ....fuck we don't even know how did he escape...
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