If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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why yonkoshitters are getting uppity?

it took Big Mom + her whole army + preptime to capture 2 Vinsmokes out for 4
Scabbards literally escaped execution by just running away from Kaido and his crew. Denjiro and Ashura both fought Kaido and somehow escaped no problem

Unlike with those instances revs have:
  • Kuma who can teleport
  • Morley who can dig
  • Karasu who can do bird fly shit
Them escaping actually makes sense.

Until this happens to an admiral, you will never have a leg to stand on


Talent is something you make bloom.
Yeah Shanks legit might be Judas although I thought it was Blackbeard lol. Maybe another Bible story though?

Thats the impression I got from Shanks crying and Roger forgiving him as you said, comforting him as we saw. Thats exactly what I suspect. Rogers mysterious, incurable, fatal illness.
Shanks caused 2 people to accidentally eat DFs at least, what if he accidentally poisoned or actually legitimately poisoned Buggy too? Maybe got poisoned a little by accident and thats why they had to stay behind? But then again, Toki got sick before too lol.

Also we had Whitebeard and Hiriluk I think with both unknown, incurable terminal illnesses and I remember thinking Doc Q had led to Hiriluks death somehow, his illness I mean at least and with Whitebeard, i remember reading theories that Doflamingo was poisoning Whitebeards medicine/IV drips too.

I actually feel Law should have been a pirate under Whitebeard, maybe even a spy sent by Doflamingo to infilitrate and poison him gradually, make him vulnerable and easier to take down so Doffy can replace him lol. Law just feels like he was meant to be a Whitebeard commander/crewmate or something to me too somehow, idk.

I'm rambling nonsense again but this time due to being in such immense hype, shock, confusion and all around awe really lol.
One piece greatness is back.
All we needed was to be over with the Filler Yonkos.

Gorosei Informer

Tbh I'm also laughing at people who denied Green Bull couldn't be a plant/nature related logia btw! Although I'm confused why he's a logia ironically, especially with Fujitora being a paramecia too.

I like someone's idea, I think on here ti was, that Fuji is a paramecia to foreshadow/symbolise that he doesnt fit in with the Marines/is not truly loyal and thus will get fired from or leave them.

I suspect an Admiral could die too at some point but I really hope it aint Fujitora ideally.
People are coping
Tensei isn't mainly here for revo vs admirals lol

Accept the fact Admirals failed vs Revos
For now it's said they Lost ...
we won't know if they really lost but what we know is that based on Fuji injuries and revent infos, Sabo gave them hands
What if GB talking big ti King was another way for him to cope that they failed to k
Get outta here please

You downplay everyone who's not zoro and mihawk
You can't scale

What happened is that Sabo didn't lose to 2 admirals.
2 admirals can't even beat 1 revo commanders

Cope like you want.
Big Mom failed to beat WCI Luffy. He won against her by rescuing Sanji and received the unofficial 5th Yonko title.

See, it's similar to Sabo situation. He rescue Kuma and receive the Emperor of Flame title.
Vice admiral Kurouma is Garp's daughter & the love of Sakazuki and Dragon.
Aokiji is her simp, that's why he hates Akainu.
Kurouma is secretly still in love with Dragon, that's why Akainu wants to kill Dragon's son.
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People are coping
Tensei isn't mainly here for revo vs admirals lol

Accept the fact Admirals failed vs Revos
For now it's said they Lost ...
we won't know if they really lost but what we know is that based on Fuji injuries and revent infos, Sabo gave them hands
Yes they undeniably lost because they didn't achieve their mission. I still don't believe Sabo defeated both Admirals until i see the panels or Akainu directly confirms it.
Yamato isn't losing

Why do you guys keep wishing Yamato gets beaten badly? Lol

Hate yamato character but as a fighter, don't expect Ls for her
I'm not wishing for it but do you really think she can beat an Admiral?
Scabbards will be quickly wiped out, just like Kaido did
Yamato will be left all by herself and the most I can see her do is some heroic feat, giving an hard time to Aramaki kinda like she did with Kaido
But after that, she'll need backup asap

All this IF the battle isn't stopped by Momo's mediation

They will have their clash before Buggy inteferes. I dont think they will have an all out fight against each other, Like Vegeta and Goku never had it.
Mmmm I am convinced of Kidd's connection to Lodestar
That's where we'll see his flashback and where the clash/fight with Luffy will happen

But hey, it's not like I wouldn't apreciate the scenario you described
It's just that Lodestar is the hill I'm ready to die on
To many hints point at that imo
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