If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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Didn’t read past the first sentence but sounds like you conceded you don’t get laid very often.

Oh is this guy very butthurt or not :myman:

No my man, you are the guy with spare energy to defend and write essays about such uninspiring characters like Greenbull the Celestial Dragon worshipper,

the rest of us simply watch and laugh at the obsession from admirals fans :gokulaugh:who think the rest of us don’t get laid :catsure:
Take away dfs...admirals are high tiers below Olin
Restricted Admirals are low top tiers... they can't use their max AoE and DC

Full powered admirals are mid top tiers..that's it
This chapter proves that BM beats any admiral high diff
GB needs superior haki to handle BM 1v1
How will he hurt BM? With trees /branches that she can easily cut or break ? Lol
She will tank those + has fire and lightning to burn them
Also she can heal herself lol
Nor forgetting her haki>> GB

Stop comparing admirals with BM , she's superior
Ran from Marco.
You're in for a rude awakening. Boro breath isn't doing jack-shit to an admiral lmao
:seriously:yeah a fire beam won't hurt a tree dude

Sometimes you guys just love to talk rubbish
I didn't know GB has iron skin like BM or vinsmokes...even then Vinsmokes can get burned

You're the one already salty your headcanons ben destroyed the whole of wano arc

Momo will hurt GB and prove he can defend wano
Bringing back Wano hype "samurai are strong to defend themselves "
Oh is this guy very butthurt or not :myman:

No my man, you are the guy with spare energy to defend and write essays about such uninspiring characters like Greenbull the Celestial Dragon worshipper,

the rest of us simply watch and laugh at the obsession from admirals fans :gokulaugh:who think the rest of us don’t get laid :catsure:
Still haven’t read past the first sentence, but as a heads up spamming the laughing Goku emoji a lot is an indicator that L’s will be taken.

Just ask @Erkan12
Bro where were you when Kaido was trashed for it.
As far as i remember , i didn't trash Kaido after 992 came out , cause i knew Kaido was gonna beat them in Base or Hybrid .

Though for sure there were other Admiral fans who made a mockery of Kaido at that time .
Also this is coming because some admiralfans claiming he will solo alliance and were trash talking everything.
Ya i think soloing the Alliance is too high of an expectation , at least all of them at the same time .

My expectation was for GB to give more troubles to G5 than Kaido did , mainly because i believe he had stronger attacks than Kaido ( i believe other Admirals have stronger attacks as well to compensate being physically way weaker than Kaido ) .

Though , i thought he was a Mythical Zoan before , now that he seems to be a Logia , i think he's physically far weaker than Kaido but he's gonna compensate with having far stronger attacks still ( with Awakening ) .

He definitely does have Awakening - Oda alluded to Logia Awakenings in PH ( where Akainu & Aokiji went all-out ) , which means Kizaru Ryokugyu Fujitora are extremely likely to have Awakenings as well .

Anyway , i'm still expecting him to meet Luffy , just like the other 4 Admirals did in their introduction arcs :

And since GB is clearly one of the adversarial Admirals ( alongside Akainu & Kizaru ) , he will fight Luffy for sure .

Maybe after getting past this team of Yamato + Scabbards + Momo + Shinobu . Who knows .
We know we are trolling but they have been doing it fro one month atleast give us luxury for few days
OK . I guess i will just ignore this thread for some time now , and wait for the remaining manga pages .
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