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We may disagree but I say eos sanji will surpass kaido due powercreep logic.
‘He has durability boost like big mom and kaido. Fodder weapon dont work on him.
‘Have healing power -check
Literally have flame mode before kaido have it.
Have food and family problem like big mom and kaido

People say but sanji won’t be top tier but I disagree, EOS sanji would suprass kaido at bare minimum.

Sanji will shatter the grandline wall with a single kick EOS


Well yeah.

But why are slandering the admirals as a whole then?

Zoro always gets ragdolled by his opponent for 90% of his fights btw.
until he gets his power up then all he ends it in 2 or 3 attacks, the best hope for the admiral that fights sanji to look good is by having him use sanji as a hypetool beforehand
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