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Ya'll mock us ZKK believers, but we have conviction. I don't care how much I get clowned, I'll still believe until it happens, or Wano ends (whenever the fuck that happens)

How can you claim to love an Admiral if you'll abandon them over fake-spoilers? Green Bull isn't going to get injured by Momo, stop it.
That’s what I’m sayin Lmao, I’m an admiral fan but I still have respect (in a weird way) for people like nik who don’t get shaken easily. (Although in his case it’s escalated to pure delusion)
Random note isn't greenbigot technically supposed to be able to reproduce asexually? His seed are literally seeds. Probably could replant a being like himself and have that being eat a devil fruit of it's own. Make his own army of powered warriors

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
A personally published work made in Japan, usually featuring erotic content, but not always. So, think of personally published comics. Many doujinshi (that's the official plural) are based off of official series, and lewd characters from them (there are plenty of One Piece doujinshi). So, I was referring to hentai comics, and how... uh... lewd and amoral many of them are
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