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From Oda & Aoyama interview:
>Aoyama: "How are the lengths for the sections determined?"
>Oda: "I don't really have a specific chapter count in mind for each arc just what I want to occur. However, for Wano I elongate the story one page anytime I get a letter from a Gajin complaining."

Has Oda gone completely insane?
Does gaijin mean foreigner? Is he doing this to piss us off? 😂
>Spoilers come out early
>Spoiler providers, but not those responsible for the early leaks say that's a bad thing with literal asspull justitifications, just read Artur's post on that, the truth is that it's all about them losing attention
>TCB, in it for the ad revenue of course, says it's a bad thing too
I guess we got beaten by the forces of egoism and capitalism at the same time
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