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Petition to name Smoothie and Green Bull "Soup" and "Salad" because they both exist to build up high and then do absolutely nothing important. They're literally appetizers for the hot pasta with big meaty balls and delicious red sauce that is Shanks.

Can you imagine if Shanks knocked the Big Mom Pirates off the Waterfall again? LOLOLOLOLOL

Formerly Seth

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Extravlad @Akainu btw where do you think Greenbull's raw strength dura come from? His roots tied up a big dragon, no blood from Yamato's bonk, is it his CoA or it's that he can make a strong type of trees or something?
Doffy said him and Fuji are monsters. This term about Admirals was only used once before to describe Akainu and Kizaru as young aspiring marines. I mean that they were monsters already joining Marines.
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