Who's the better troll?

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The only one who can beat me is me
People were asking why Shanks was near Wano, we got our answer. It was literally the only way GB could be forced to leave, since the alliance that took down 2 Yonkou wasn't enough for him to calm down. Dude was strutting right through the front door letting his presence be felt by the entire alliance. You can't lie that's boss af.

Last chapter Shanks and co sensed GB too.

Shanks forever ending battles by not moving a muscle, yet only frontrunning 😂. Oda thinks he's slick, he better not off Shanks without him displaying anything, he might give him the Ace treatment and call it a day, nah Oda you been gassing this man up from a safe distance for far too long, fanbase will come for your neck for this one.


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
So, what purpose did it serve for Oda to bring Aramaki in Wano? Did it move the plot? No. Did it hype the character? No. Did it hint any future conflict? May be Yamato vs. Aramaki? The only thing it did was to hype Shanks, and I doubt it was necessary to do it like this.

3 chapters wasted on nothing that changed anything and the man wants to finish the series in 3 years.

It’s ridiculous how many times Oda writes his way up against a corner, we the fans pull him out, only for him to go back to that corner. When he treats a character that we waited for 8 years to see like this, does he really expect us to be hyped when he brings Imu or Rocks onscreen? Even the 12 years olds he is writing for aren't that stupid.
"He explains to them how current Wano is built" in other words Oda is going to offscreen it.

GB came to Wano so that he can fight the scabbards and then get scared by Shanks and flee Wano? What was the point of this filler?

Oda is getting old.
Theres nothing wrong with running away from a Yonko + crew when he already had 2 Yonko crew allaince as his target. Its ridiculous tryna face them and and also going after the allaince.

All Admirals equal each other...
Luffy is just barely a yonko, it’s not fair to equate his crew to an already established yonko with his own territory

they also just had the hardest battle of their life so they injured and aren’t prepared

accept it aramaki so far isn’t so good

Compared to kizaru who was ready to go and face 2 yonkos at their best
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