So, let me get this straight.
Green Bull heard that an alliance killed two Yonko in an alliance with a nation of legendary samurai. His first thought? “I can’t wait to kill the kid who defeated Kaido.”
So then he heads to Wano,
literally fucking eats King and Queen as an appetizer, and then heads,
solo, to the Flower Capital,
Then he engages all 5 remaining scabbards, Shinobu, Momonosuke, and Yamato and completely neg diffs all of them at once (not like a Kaido “neg diff” where the scabbards almost kill him but a true neg diff before Yonko fans destroyed the term),
And then he feels Shanks’ Haki and says “Yeah,
I do want to fight literally the entire Red Hairred Pirates and Shanks himself, just not right now”, before leaving Wano as mysteriously as he arrives.
Aramaki is a welcome addition to the Admiral rank. Never forget, all spoiler providers are lying shits.
@The White Crane @Owl Ki @silverfire @Sentinel @Kefka @kurwa @ZenZu @Mr. Anderson @ShishioIsBack @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @Blackbeard @silverfire @Trueprodigy @Extravlad @MarineHQ62 @SakazOuki @Lili @King7 @ConquistadoR @AdmiralBetterr777 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Admiral Mou Bu @SakazukiTheFist @Wuuuke @Red Admiral @Echizen_Jo_Ndule and his French spoiler providers
@MonsterKaido @Ssg super suit coby @Erkan12 @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Chrono @Jiihad