Who's the better troll?

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Nobody even bothered much
Yamato not fighting and still chilled while caught
Retainers who fought are clean (bar raizou who got hurt hy hakied attack and sucked) and are chilled when caught (denjiro smiling )

Aramaki in his max form did nothing bar damage Momo and raizou for a brief then got punked by Boro breath twice and Shanks CoC
Scabbards chill mode when fight ladmiral.
Big Fucking L.

Pointless introduction.
Oda should pack GB, he literally promoted a garbage movie and Shanks+Momo wank with as many pis as you can get.

Momo doesn't want help because he wants to free Wano alone.
Luffy is watching GB fighting and does shit, meanwhile Shanks sees GB as a threat and makes him leave shitless, helping Momo either way.

So let's see:

Shanks doesn't interfere, Luffy and the alliance needs too, Momo gets help either way.

GB as marine Admiral failed completely and some of the hype went a bit down, I'm not gonna lie.
I already knew Shanks was stronger than GB, but this reaction in unwarranted, this dude is supposed to be the strongest force of the navy.

This makes movie red looks cute in comparison.

Oda literally went and threw GB's hype along with some good portrayal of admirals to the bin.

I'm not gonna say Shanks doesn't deserve merit, but if the dude is this strong to make an admiral like this when other Admirals seemed to not care.
This either was marketing advertising or super amounts of PIS and Wank.

Well well.
For now, no one dumb enough can claim an Admiral is equal to a Yonko.

Well this is my little rant. Quite disappointed in what seems to be the most pointless introduction of a character so far, which
turned out to be an Admiral.
Lmfao no. Shanks is in control while using it and it shows off his skill at CoC. Big Mom on the other hand is throwing an uncontrollable tantrum hitting everyone lmaoo.
Ok so shanks is using it in full control bm is not so no excuses, also coc is linked to strength , so unless you have shanks>kaido,bm(which is against what oda confirmed) then go ahead
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