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Yeah but going of their past records they will for sure go dragon ball super with ashura, and I know I will not like it. I am fine with tint of auras (afterlall, 3 heads and multiple limbs pop ouf of the blue) but this aint dragon ball chief.
I agree 100%. It's one thing to extend off panel fighting or dialogue's but creating a whole new anime that has nothing to do with the manga that the anime was adapted for is an insult to our intelligence :josad:

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Why is everyone assuming Redon's hint is for the anime? Everyone knows what's going to happen in that episode lmao.

( Need some Zoro lineage/backstory next chapter )

Amazing username. And, yeah, we're getting it soon. I really hope this is the chapter Zoro goes to Ryuma's grave. It's been teased so damn much, having it happen on 1056 would be *chef's kiss*
I think we will get the bounties when we officially welcome Yamato in the Crew - then we gonna see all the bounties, Yamato’s probably too.
Like when Brook joined he showed his bounty.
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