
Heavy Metal
No, i don't want any part of Kiddfans vs haters this week because it will happen
we never actively confronted some Kid haters. We always just celebrate our Ws, but some people cant stop coming like flies to downplay everything. This sometimes results in discussions. But the Kid fandom never went actively to downplay others or attack haters!

So, lets see what Lance is bringing us this week. Maybe Kids reaction to shanks, maybe even a confrontation, maybe Kids new crewmember (remember my theory about P1 and Ulti)?
Lets see
we never actively confronted some Kid haters. We always just celebrate our Ws, but some people cant stop coming like flies to downplay everything. This sometimes results in discussions. But the Kid fandom never went actively to downplay others or attack haters!

So, lets see what Lance is bringing us this week. Maybe Kids reaction to shanks, maybe even a confrontation, maybe Kids new crewmember (remember my theory about P1 and Ulti)?
Lets see
Oh yea Pay pay and Arinsu-chan where are they
Kid did say he's gonna take some of kaido's crew
I like how everyone agrees that if Mihawk joined Buggy, it would make sense Buggy is a Yonkou now

and at the same time, they want to say Mihawk is weak and a fraud

everyone and their mom knows buggy will be nothing but a figurehead
the strongest person in that crew will be mihawk.

if he joined shanks , wankers would argue that ends the shanks mihawk debate.
I like how everyone agrees that if Mihawk joined Buggy, it would make sense Buggy is a Yonkou now

and at the same time, they want to say Mihawk is weak and a fraud

let be honest someone like Mihawk wouldn't naturally join Buggy... unless Buggy acts like a cover to him since Marines are after warlords..

But damn Buggy is a genius if he managed to get someone like MIHAWK... MII FLIPIN HAWK under him