If Mihawk really joined Buggy, it's good news for Mihawk fans since not only it would imply that he was the reason Buggy became a yonko, but it's possible that Buggy will reach Laugh Tale judging by the way Oda developed his character and thus Mihawk too
So Mihawk vs Zoro battle may happen on Laugh Tale
Remember, the working class has nothing to lose but its shackles.
You know that classic:

Old men make war, young fight and die.

Boomers ruin generations. There must be imposed a age limit in politics. But that will never happen.
Humanity should abandon the laws of rich hypocrites and embrace the laws of nature. Living a quiet, kind life and dying either peacefully or quickly is a hell of a lot better than whatever the fuck this is.

Nature is just a cycle of life consuming and growing. Modern society is parasitic and toxic. Our bodies are so full of industrial shit that animals can't eat us without getting sick.

History is full of conmen swooping in to mine boons in industries for all they're worth, then leave the people to rot after. Gold rushes, oil rushes, etc. There are entire empty cities in China, who never had anyone live in them.

The laws of man are fucking worthless. Death comes to all, no matter what laws men make (we need more laws made by women). I respect sensible laws, but if your laws tell me to kill gay people, then you can view my middle finger, free of charge. People need to change laws on the local level and create groups that can defend against rich assholes like Doflamingo and Crocodile. This isn't One Piece. The assholes who steal our freedom are way fucking weaker than what Vivi and Rebecca had to deal with.
Calm down, m8.
If we were to "embrace the laws of nature", we wouldn't even be here in the first place.
But I like the "burn the bourgeoise" part.
Just be careful with that "freedom" speech.
"Freedom" is nothing but an empty concept that, depending on who's defending it, are just trying to justify a status quo of inequality and abuses.
I don't want to embrace anarchy, but this country mutilated my baby dick and wanted me to kill gay people because of cult bullshit, so I'd much rather live off the land like the Native Americans, than blow up kids in a foreign country for oil money. This world's concept of freedom is empty as fuck (I live in a country built by slaves that can't stop bitching about how free it is), but I like Oda's concept of freedom: staking your life on what you believe. Shanks does it right.

Nature isn't the problem. Humanity is trying to destroy nature with pollution and nukes. Nature just wants people to coexist. I'm sick of tolerating violent people for the sake of political correctness. If people can tolerate living in countries ruled by war criminals, they can tolerate people criticizing war criminals on the internet.

I don't mean we should just act like mindless beasts. I mean we should live in balance with nature, rather than destroy life around us mindlessly. Death happens. If an animal eats me to feed itself, why should I hate it? The people who wanted me to murder innocent people out of their own greed are the people that piss me off.
Yeah, I'm from the USA. If you judge me for it, I can't blame you. Once you peel back the brainwashing the USA is so fucking crazy.

People pushed a religion that wants to mutilate children's genitals and kill gay people as if it was normal. People acted like boobs were more dangerous than guns. It pisses me off. There are so many good people in the USA. I hate that we've let ourselves become this fucking disgusting and full of twisted hate.

Sorry, I'll stop ranting about it after this post. It's just, whenever I read/watch Alabasta, I think about the Middle East, and I feel so furious and useless. Those kids are scared to go outside when the sky is clear and blue, because that's when the drones that kill their families come. That's why I respect Oda. Because those people everyone else ignored mattered to him. To me, Oda's dream is to stop kids from starving.

The USA fucked me up heavily, but I don't want to give up: I want to be like Oda, and feed those kids, rather than hurt them, damn it.
I felt like replying to all of these but I better not.
I know TAC is itching to ban me lmao