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btw it would be crazy if blackbeard’s, shanks’, luffy’s and buggy’s crew all arrive at the same moment in laugh tale and they start an all out fight 1vs1vs1vs1, with temporary alliances and a lot of betrayals
Might take a break for a week from WorstGen if Mihawk joining Buggy is true

not because i don't like it, i really like Oda doing that and i hope he does it actually

but listening to Zoro haters, Mihawk haters and Shanks dick suckers call Mihawk trash and fraud for the entire week doesn't sound like much fun


Buggy and Mihawk >>> Shanks and Beckman


Gorosei Informer

He maybe a fraud but he was not wrong about the mihawk stuff :endthis:.

All this Mihawk stuff is based on Drumz and YonkoProd

two frauds

Logically, we just had Shanks appear and we've been waiting for the Warlords to reappear for a couple years now at least or so? 2-3 years? Last time we saw them was just singular panels and they haven't been involved in the story for well over a decade too...

If nothing else, Oda didn't actually lie but just "stretched the truth" at least?



Talent is something you make bloom.
Might take a break for a week from WorstGen if Mihawk joining Buggy is true

not because i don't like it, i really like Oda doing that and i hope he does it actually

but listening to Zoro haters, Mihawk haters and Shanks dick suckers call Mihawk trash and fraud for the entire week doesn't sound like much fun


Buggy and Mihawk >>> Shanks and Beckman

Your acc is dedicated to a clown, but you can't handle some clownery?
Tsc tsc....
Might take a break for a week from WorstGen if Mihawk joining Buggy is true

not because i don't like it, i really like Oda doing that and i hope he does it actually

but listening to Zoro haters, Mihawk haters and Shanks dick suckers call Mihawk trash and fraud for the entire week doesn't sound like much fun


Buggy and Mihawk >>> Shanks and Beckman

you need to learn not to care what others think sometimes esp when we are talking about fictional characters.

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