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the anime does this thing like almost every episode
kaido has some oden callback and I absolutely love it

I was watching some reaction to the recent episode and the person got so tired of kaido getting oden ptsd.


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
Stop it, nobody would even care about Mihawk if he wasn't tied to Zoro. Nobody loves Mihawk just because of who is...
The fuck are you talking about? There are plenty of OP readers that like Mihawk for who he is. I for one, would not accept Zoro getting the title from Shiryu instead of Mihawk.

Mihawk was designed to be Zoro's goal-post, that's just part of his character biography. Similar to how Shanks is designed to be Luffy's father-figure. Or Zeff is Sanji's.

Get lost with your bullshit.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Luffy vs Buggy
Zoro vs Cabaji
Chopper vs Richie
Nami vs Alvida
Sanji vs Mr3

then the GrandFleet fights.

Bartolomeo vs Crocodile
Cavendish vs Mihawk.

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