
⚓𝒫𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝑒𝓃𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓊⚓
Hey just to remind you guys if we left wano some of you are gonna have to delete your accounts or get shamed because of the account bet/avatar bet thread.

You know who i'm talking to/what i'm talking about. Get ready.
Chapter 1056: Cross Guild

Very brief spoilers thanks to Malik from TalkOP
- Kidd and his crew follow Shanks
- Luffy and the others read the newspaper: we learn why Buggy became an emperor
- Ex-warlords created a fleet/corporation and Buggy is considered the leader by the WG
- Buggy, Mihawk, Weevil have all > 1 billion bounties
- The next morning: Carrot, Wanda and the SHs are about to leave Wano. Wanda and Carrot have become the new rulers of Mokomo Dukedom (Wanda - day // Carrot - night)
- Yamato starts running to jump on the Sunny because she forgot to directly ask Luffy to join and was not expecting that SHs would leave so early
Break Next Week


Gorosei Informer

Chapitre 1056 : Cross Guild

Spoilers très brefs grâce à Malik de TalkOP
- Kidd et son équipage suivent Shanks
- Luffy et les autres lisent le journal : on apprend pourquoi Buggy est devenu empereur
- Les anciens seigneurs de la guerre ont créé une flotte/corporation et Buggy est considéré comme le leader par le GT
- Buggy, Mihawk, Weevil ont tous > 1 milliard de primes
- Le lendemain matin : Carrot, Wanda et les SH sont sur le point de quitter Wano. Wanda et Carrot sont devenus les nouveaux dirigeants de Mokomo Dukedom (Wanda - jour // Carrot - nuit)
- Yamato commence à courir pour sauter sur le Sunny car elle a oublié de demander directement à Luffy de se joindre et ne s'attendait pas à ce que les SH partent si tôt
Pause la semaine prochaine

To think of it, these do line up with some of the hints Lance was giving.

Lupin running and jumping off the roof, Kidd being in the chapter, I can't remember what else.