
Welcome to the House of Hope
Tbh, Kiwi told me that the nationalist party has a much more pro China attitude than the other parties.
The Nationalist Party is not a "solid unique" group. There are different smaller groups within it. This was part of the reason they couldn't hold their position in the continent. "Unity" matters a lot in these conflicts.
Having said that, there ARE "peace" efforts from both govs in the midst of the current conflicts. It helps that they are culturally close in many aspects. Taiwan differs mostly due to the fact that it was also part of the japanese empire on different occasions.
But the thing is, Taiwan had 21 nations who recognized its independency. Now, iirc, it's down to 15. China's political and economical influence has a huge role in it. Even so, many countries still maintain strictly diplomatic relationships with both "Chinas".
Not saying it started with it, because it didn't, but during Trump's administration, the US escalated its "economy war" against China. Brazil, which has Bolsonaro, tried to "side" with the US, but immediately had to backtrack due to companies owners putting pressure on the gov due to their losses, since, as I've said already, China is Brazil's top economical partner.
Not only that, but, if China were to actually recognize Taiwan as an independent nation, we would probably have the whole Ukraine-Russia-NATO issue all over again.
Guess who would get the bombs? China? US? No. Taiwan would.