
Welcome to the House of Hope
usa literally came from nothing, where were they a hundred years ago, 200 years ago?
USA became big because of global wars. That's what they need to sustain their "greatness".

Take that away and they'll regress to a bunch of overweight gun nuts who can't spell their own language.
Roman Empire, Mongolian empire, UK, etc, etc, etc.

You do know that all "empires" became these due to expansion campaigns through warfare, right?
US is not "more" than any of these because of it.
They just got the upper hand because the nations that could "face them" were to busy going to war with each other during the first half of the century.
well, shit actually started with the disintegration of the Ottoman empire
And this shit goea back to crusades stuff
And it all goes back to Christianity vs Islam
which, in turn, goes back to general east vs west crap

In short: humans are stupid
Well, religious wars are more or less irrelevant now, plus Europe got it tough too, at some point Spain was conquered by Moors, and the Ottomans were at some point at the gates of Vienna.

we're gonna have an election at the end of the year

and we're gonna swap from one piece of shit to another piece of shit

ain't that awesome?

don't worry though, we will make sure to completely destroy the amazon rainforest and leave the entire world without any oxygen

man,don't start stuff here.Amazon rainforest is bigger than Europe i thing.There is no way to destroy it.