Source: bolsonaro

U talk like anyone in getting improvement of life because of deforestation. The only one that are making money are big minning companies and the beef and soybean industries. Brazil is losing its "treasures", the Amazon gold get out of the country without 1 cent going to any common citzen pocket while huge smartphone producers buy it from the back market and profit billions, the land is stolen by a small group of huge landowner while u have millions living in slums, the natives are being genocided, the water and fishs full of lead and mercury, there already cases of babies borning with deformations because of the out of control use of venon in platations, the country that is one of the biggest food producers in the world have 40million that cant afford two meals and another 15 that dont even eat everyday.

This idea of deforestation for development is from the first industrial revolution from 220y ago, today what made a country rich is the development in tech industry not planting soybeans. The Forest there's can not only be a asset for foreing policy of the country but one for developing new industries in chemistry, bio tech, heath, tourism, new biological materials, water manegment, clean energy and a lot of other future industries, Latam will never get over being a colony if we keep this idea that development is burning the forest to sell iron ore and beef while US, Europe and China are selling technology.

But the "bad scientists dont know about climate change" shows well your position
I love you

Latam will never get over being a colony if
But that's what they want it to be.
It's the same in se Asia and Africa.
Behind every national ruler and every local company, when you follow the chain and money flow, at the end there always sits a white guy from Europe / NAmerica