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I agree, on one of my previous burner accounts I mentioned that I still dislike Yamato as a character and don't want her to join but then I read that Ulti+Yamato Wano bathhouse hentai and ever since I started to think about Yamato only via my dick, I was suddenly feeling fine about her joining.
Yeah that hentai is goated. Oda created those Octopi just to enoucrage people to make tentacle hentai, LOL. Fuck it, I'll take more Yamato fans, however we can get em.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Honestly if the chapter really ends like leakers are sayin it is then it's kinda fucked up for Yamato as well
They literally forgot her despite the time she spent with them in the post arc + her desire to join the crew that most of them knew about.
It's honestly kinda sad
It's just another "Oden parallel" if its true.
Honestly if the chapter really ends like leakers are sayin it is then it's kinda fucked up for Yamato as well
They literally forgot her despite the time she spent with them in the post arc + her desire to join the crew that most of them knew about.
It's honestly kinda sad
It does seem very out of character the only thing I can imagine is Luffy saying she was happiest when she was with Momo since hes able to sense peoples emotions. As such he didnt want her to make a decision she’d later regret
Honestly if the chapter really ends like leakers are sayin it is then it's kinda fucked up for Yamato as well
They literally forgot her despite the time she spent with them in the post arc + her desire to join the crew that most of them knew about.
It's honestly kinda sad
It's canon that Luffy never cared about her desires. She was never made to be a SH.
It will end with a joke and that's better than what I expected.

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I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan
I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan I am a Yamato fan
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