Gorosei Informer

Oda just give Smoker adv CoA and CoO and make him strong again
I'm hoping since he went to see Vegapunk, hes gonna get the Terminator or Captain America treamtent and get massive buffs somehow. I remember someone suggesting something to boost haki growth/usage.

Maybe even give him awakening immediately like the jailer guards had awakenings somehow and similar to how Urahara could get Ichigo Bankai in just 3 days too?

I really want to see Admiral tier Smoker even though Admirals are getting clowned now ironically lol. Still would be a huge improvement for Smoker I guess. Less joker more Smoker although ironically "Joker" and his subordinate and former subordinate also all bodied Smoker lol. (Doffy ofc, Vergo and Law)

Smoker deserves so much better its not even funny. @SmokedOut could probably suggest some great ideas ofc.

Fujitora also has this weird new laser/infra-red style visor, like Cyclop's visor or Star Trek or something in Film Red apparently so VP might have something for Smoker too hopefully? He and Tashigi need MAJOR buffs definitely.


It would be dream seeing OPtards complaining about Yamato not joining because -of course- it was a writing promise by Oda he didn't fulfill (ain't no nothing to do with headcanon)...