6. Will there be spoilers this week?
A: NO.

As the Spanish leaker said : the summary spoilers for the chapter 1057 will be out in between (16 - 18) August.
Yeah but that's just not negociable. They can't just start posting stupid hints for more than a week and expect that we'll chill like that while they are laughing at our faces. Oh no, we ain't gonna be ok with that. That's just not doable.
The best option was to make Yamato an ally not a nakama and Oda chose it, simple
The only one Yamato had any interaction with from the crew the whole arc was Luffy, and she felt like a character Oda came up with in a whim
She’s strong but that’s all what she has, no character!
She could still join later. We need to see the chapter to know why she stayed behind. This would be the first time someone has asked luffy if they could join and then didn't join. I think she might join when they come back to get pluton.