Horoh no, horoh no, horoh nonononono
I hope we get a Perona update soon
Yeah same, I'm extremely scared for Moria and her as I really adore both characters, especially her too. Moria will either be forced to work with BB or killed for his DF too. He might get the same treatment WB and his crew are getting and to keep losing members, also due to Blackbeard of all people too lol.
Devon is never going to let Perona escape willingly, if Perona turns up there too, to try and find Moria. I'm extremely scared of that too.
If Oda wasn't downplaying the Marines so much lately especially including the Admirals too and didn't have Akainu stuck as FA too, I'd be begging for Akainu to wipe them out if they kill Perona especially lol.
I do really like BB and his crew ironically too though, but Devons habits of collecting beautiful women's heads is gonna be saved for something truly tragic and shocking if Oda doesn't drop/forget about it too. Vivi, Shirahoshi, Boa, Perona, Hiyori (If Devon is connected to Wano or visits there by any chance or Hiyori leaves Wano even temporarily), Robin and Nami ofc etc, Yamato if she joins and so on.
I really do want to see Yamato vs Devon too, battle of the strong women and their Mythical Zoans based on well known Japanese mytholigical entities and w/e too.
It feels like a Monkey's paw wish hoping for more Perona content but I really want and need to see more of her too.

In before gender argument comes up again with Yamate I mean Yamato Kudasai.