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Gorosei Informer

OG Chopper was rough, tough but still very appealing and cute in his own ways. Very endearing.

New Choper is way too flanderised/cutesy/kawaii/sickly. It feels soulless even, like the hyper stylised/overly energetic, extreme dopamine/stimulated state of modern Japan with all the neon lighting everywhere, extremely energetic, crazy, wild adverts and such too.

Japan has been like this for decades to be fair, since my childhood over 25 years ago at least if not longer to much longer even but its getting more promiment/worse over time too:

Just looking at the current state of the OP anime says a lot too, the Luffy vs Kaido fight especially.

Ironically thanks to my ADHD, my brain is like this too and its completely exhausting lol. I am suspected of bipolar too at least with the extreme mood swings and such, the highs and lows but I know I have something called C-PTSD (complex ptsd) as I learned recently and had since childhood apparently so I exhibit a LOT of issues and thus overlap with many disorders too.

Anyway, random rant over lol.
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