The reason she won't join now is even more stupid than Carrot become Zou leader. Clearly Oda doesn't have intention yo let her in the crew but he shocked by how popular she become so he created this stupid reason.
Don't talk shit about Goda, what's wrong with Kidd and Law getting fraudulent bounties, Sabo getting a fraudulent epithet, Yonkou Buggy, King Carrot, skipping all of Zoro's shit, not having Yamato join? Goda is only doing this to shit on the lowly youtubers that are spoiling the story before he writes it!
Is it really Oda that's writting this shit or did he get kidnapped by D&D? Too many subversions to one's expectations leads to apathy you know. What was the point of Yamato straight up asking Luffy to join his crew and her desire to sail out of Wano only for her to make a heel turn and decide to ''travel'' Wano? ( Like wtf is even that?)
You can tell that this is Gag Piece. So lower your expectations because I can tell One Piece’s ending will be shittier. Robin deserves to be in another manga than this
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