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i mean, it's going after inactive hoping for lucky shoot, again

for example, whoever is the poisoner, s/he clearly pays attention (is here a lot) since they posioned:
1. Nami after she said she has busted roles
2. Juliet after she revealed 3 kill attempts
Mafia team member can handle it if someone is inactive..
Indi will slip at some point..
But if we have enough interactions and someone has weak arguments. We should lynch them instead of going after completely inactive..
Mafia team member can handle it if someone is inactive..
Indi will slip at some point..
But if we have enough interactions and someone has weak arguments. We should lynch them instead of going after completely inactive..
yeah, basically, active mafia team member can give this information to inactive posioner, sure, but it's still active person who's part of mafia

honestly i feel like we're just lynching barely active people and hunt indies
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